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Curious Henry Part 3

After finally calming his shaking hands, Barnabus looked around the dark ring, peering into the blackness, trying to see the invisible ears that could hear what he was about to ask of the man he had just met. He licked his lips, huffing a breath out. Jerimiahs eyes were boring into him steadily.

‘You see, Mr Dingle, the way it is is like this. I’m an honest man, and I’ve run this show as honestly as I can for as long as I could. But people are fickle creatures. Yesterdays prize attraction is tomorrows drain on resources. You would not believe the number of swamis, limbo voodoo whatisnames, juggling piglets that have passed before me. I’ve seen them all, and I’ve always, always tried to make sure that they were real. As real as anything is under this tent, in any case. But, as I say, people lose interest, and there ae still bills to be paid. There was one bil particular, with a price beyond my will to pay, which has lended me in this mess. Some gentlemen lent me money a year ago, on the proviso that I pay them back. A loan, pure and simple. But on the day of collection, on which I had the money ready for them, their leader clapped his beady eyes on my lovely Elle. And from that moment the price altered to one I could not possibly pay, the price of my best performer. And she was a performer, sir, not a simple cracked mould like the rest of my attractions. Oh, she lit this drab collection of ropes and canvas up like it was the pleasure dome of Xanadu.’

Jerimiah blinked once, the only sign of his growing impatience. Barnabus pulled himself back from a distant reverie and continued.

‘I denied the price these men asked, and give them the money, urging them to be on their way. They took the money and left, and I thought that was the end of it. Weeks later, when we had moved the length and breadth of England, I heard tell in the middle of the night how my precious had vanished. We found no trace of her, Mr Dingle. Not one hair. And here, we get to the business. It is clear to me that these men stole her away from me. I would wish that you find the leader and regain my property by any means. Do we understand each other?’

Jerimiah nodded smartly, a cold smile gracing his hard face. ‘We do indeed, Mr Ridgeworthy. You came to the right man when you came to me. Tell me, would you like any mementoes of my journey?’

Barnabus Ridgeworthy licked his lips again, calming down now the business was out. A strange, bestial gleam entered his eyes, replacing the mist of his recollection.

‘I think the people may enjoy to gloat over the incredible headless man. What do you say?’

‘An undeniable attraction, Mr Ridgeworthy. I shall be in touch. Good evening.’

Barnabus sat along in the big top, sporadically giggling to himself.