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Summer Shorts 2

The circle widened, worried glances dashing around as they wondered what would be said. They didn’t know what to do or what to think. No one had ever done that before. It was bad. It was silly. It wasn’t what they had been told to do. There were some mutterings and shuffling of feet but no one knew what to do. They were quiet, waiting for someone to come and tell them what to do, but the darkness around hemmed them in and no one was going to come. One by one they started crying, in silence at first but louder as they realised what was happening. Soon enough the little group was lost in confusion and tired depression. No one was going to do anything, they could all see that, and the hopelessness of their situation thundered through their minds. It was unfair; it was nasty and shouldn’t have been allowed. On of the braver ones kicked the spent pistol away, it’s metal skimming over the wooden floor. By accident he trod in the spreading pool of blood and left red footprints winding around as he wandered in blank shock. Through the window blue light lanced into the room, a steady rhythm. Someone knocked on the door, and they looked at each other. Who was going to open the door? They shuffled away, pretending to be looking somewhere else. The knocking got louder, and someone shouted. It sounded like he was mad. The crying got louder. Soon the man on the other side of the door was calling to someone else, and together they hit the door hard. Twice more, and they burst in. And stopped, looking as confused as they group milling around the edge of the room. They asked some questions, but no one answered them, they were all starting like frightened rabbits into the light he was shining around. One of the crying ones ran over to the policeman and hugged him so hard that he frowned at his friend. He led her out of the room by the elbow, and slowly but surly the other followed, walking in a quiet line. When they got outside they huddled together again.

‘Control? We need an ambulance for a gunshot wound to the chest, and….’ The man shook his head. He didn’t know what they needed.

‘Comeback 32, repeat request.’

‘Er, Control? Send…send someone. We found a group of people who do not look well.’

‘Will do 32. Out.’

The policeman breathed a sigh and looked at the huddle of frightened people with something approaching the look he gave his on when he grazed his knee.