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The Rapture

He would have wanted it this way.

But you haven’t considered…

I don’t think she needs this now. Her husband has just passed. Please, allow me to minister the last rites.

But with your money, you could have a chance to save your husband.

He told me before that his money would go to good causes.

As it should be.

A small portion is all it would take, to save him. What better cause is there?

Saving others.

If you act now, if you say we can go ahead with the procedure, he will survive in the future.

He is already in a better place. He has been taken up.

Perhaps, but while his body remains, there’s still a chance. The residual electrical activity is enough. When he wakes up he’ll only remember going to sleep.

What if he doesn’t? What if you do this to him and by some miracle he does wake up, and he’s a different person? How do you know his brain will still work?

Let me make it simple for you. What have you got to lose? In a few short minutes he’ll be dead and gone, beyond anybody’s help. If you say we can do this, he’ll survive and live a better life in the future.

I must protest to this. The man was a dedicated Christian, and he knew this life would lead to a better life, but not one in some mythical future, but

In some mythical place in the sky?

Whatever you think, his soul has left his body to be with God. You can do as you please to his corpse. But if you try and revive him in one of your medieval experiments I warn you, you are tampering with something you know nothing of. Let me ask you, have you read Frankenstein?

I have as it happens. If you look around you’ll see no lightening, and nothing remotely connected with resurrection. Yet.

You see! He doesn’t even know if it’s possible to revive your husband, much less how.

Everything is possible given long enough.

You seem incapable of grasping the fact that this man is no longer a man in your scientific definition of the word. This is a shell, empty. I dare say you might hear the sea if you put it up to your ear.

Thank fully we have much better procedures than that. Proven to work, I might add.

On mice, maybe.

A mouse and a man are the same thing, just a little bigger and without whiskers. It does work.

He’s dead, you short sighted imbecile! He is now in the care of God, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

As his wife…where has she gone? Did you see her leave?

I was too busy ministering to his immortal soul, I am afraid.
