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The Monster If.


The cupboard a woodland, the space under the stairs a cave, the stairs themselves a mountainside. It is the land of the monster If. The monster If is a creature of old stories, aged wonder. It roams in the footsteps of people, watching for one who looks different. For the monster If is on a search, looking for someone to answer it's question. There are many of these monsters, each looking for a different answer. If you think you know what if, then speak out loud and maybe, just maybe the monster will thank you.

 The monster If is a lonesome creature, lost between of maybe and perhaps, never sure whether or no. Contrary to what you'd think the Monster If is scared of the dark. In the dark is when all the things that scare monsters come out, the things that no one knows about. While people sleep the monster sits in the corner of the room, eyes darting in bewilderment as many questions are asked. It yelps as world pop into existence not three feet away, only to blink out again a moment later with the smell of soil or the sound of applause.

 The life of an If is short and full of fear. Some grow old; great wizened creatures with the weight of questions creasing their brows for all time. These are the Big If's that people have heard of and are duly anxious about. They are cunning beasts, sowing merry discord in the minds of the wondering ones.

  Should you see an If, tell it the answer, it will thank you.