Wintersebb had been open for barely a week, and Aerlinthe island was still happily bare of players when we set out to take out Lady Aerfalle. We brushed off our faran robes, topped off the mana in our explorer jewelry, and headed on out to the Aerlinthe Foundry to grab a bar before hopping down to the resevoir to break in Wintersebb's virgin repair golem. Keep in mind that this was in the days before focus stones, dispell gems, and all other manner of player buffs were added to make the game easier. Take note of Sg's hotkeys and all his leet equipment! Poor mage sure could use healing on a day like this.
Buffing sucks when you're a lowbie and debuffed to hell and back from the bad guys on the way in. You can see Brexx here busting ass to get a strength VI up so he can get past the weakness VI he'll pick up on the way down to the repair golem. Damn 10 strength archers!
Brexx empties his highly leet heal other II orb while Sg delivers the sluice gate bar. Time to make the run back to the foundry before our buffs wear off!
The trip down to the smithing golem wasn't totally smooth, as you can see Sg lost his leet starter shirt. After a brief period of mourning over the loss of the shirt, they hit the handy Aerlinthe gift shop for a souvenier shirt and headed to the Foundry. Brexx picked the lock and Sg did delivery duty while Brexx took the shortcut portal to the caldera to set up behemoth-camping duty.
Behemoth falls over with little fanfare to an imperil and a few arrows from a newbie's bow. Some things never change, even on a new server.
The hellfire puts up even less of a fight...note the fellowship name.
Sg endures both the lag and the seven points of damage inflicted by the terrors of the undead town, thanks to the hugely overpowered heal other I from Brexx. Ok, so it wasn't all too easy. Another shirt bites the dust...time to rob a newbie for something with long sleeves.
Ahh, it looks familiar, but Brexx is still in Aerfalle's chambers. Never underestimate the value of a good long-sleeved shirt and of course...a towel.
Yay! Aerfalle is dead and we can sleep now. Unfortunately this was in the days before the keep was nerfed to unspawn, and Brexx fell to Aerfalle's minions moments after he let the killing arrow fly. Screw it, we'll kill the vitae tomorrow.