Missing In Action is the latest addition to this site. Here you'll be able to find out about characters who've been gone from their respective titles for some time, but have yet to reach full "Limbo" status. Speculations on when they will used next are also listed. If you would like to see other characters listed here, know where the listed characters have appeared, or just want to add anything, email me. Enjoy! ~Icewing

Dazzler - Alison Blaire has been missing in action for quite some time, but we actually know where she's been: The Mojo World. She and her boyfriend, Longshot, went to the Mojo Wolrd to help the resistance fight against Mojo and his horde some time ago (even in Marvel time) and have made a few appearances since.

Where has she appeared? Dazzler recently showed up in the "Eve of Destruction" storyline in which she died or presumably died or one of her hardlight clones died. Hell, something died!

Where she'll be seen next? If she's dead, her next appearance will be in a casket. If not, who knows?

Update: Alison will be apearing in an upcoming issue of X-Men Unlimited (#32, I believe). The story will be called, "Dazzler: Beyond the Music," and will be not unlike the Behind the Music program on VH-1.

Iceman - Bobby Drake has been on and off the X-Men since his father was injured back before O:ZT even happened. Most writers tend to just write him off, not giving good reasons for him to leave -- he's just not there the next issue.

Where has he appeared? Bobby's most recently shown up in X-Men, getting very few lines and little screen time. His cameos are most likely to cash in on the movie's success since he played a pivitol role in the film. There has been no explination for his return, however; he just comes and goes. Before that, Bobby appeared in X-Men: Black Sun where he teamed up with Wolverine to fight possessed versions of Sunfire and Banshee. Drake rejoined the X-Men during the Twelve event, as he was a member of the 12, and their subsequent adventures. He also appeared in the Spider-Man titles where he helped Peter stop some skeleton villain, I believe.

Where he'll be seen next? Iceman makes his return to the X-Men in Uncanny #395!

Polaris - Lorna Dane has actually appeared quite often since the deterioration of X-Factor after Havok went to the Mutant X Universe. Recently, however, she has gone missing in action once more.

Where has she appeared? Polaris recently made an appearance in the "Eve of Destruction" storyline, helping refugees from Genosha escape to the mainlands of Africa and Wakanda.

Where she'll be seen next? Uh, well, no word on that, really. Let's just hope the Mistress of Magnetism doesn't bite the big one in Morrison's second Mutant Massacre.

Shatterstar - Born in the Mojoverse and trained to be a warrior, Shatterstar made his way to the 616 Earth where he joined Cable's mutant militia, X-Force, and quickly became friends with Rictor and the rest of the team. He stayed with the team for some time before leaving, and X-Force hasn't heard from him since.

Where has he appeared? Shatterstar hasn't made any appearances in any books since his departure to my knowledge, but what is believed to be an alternate reality Shatterstar made a brief appearance in X-Force #100 during the storyline in which four Dani Moonstars appeared.

Where will he be seen next? 'Star may make a appearances in both X-Force and the core-titles in the future. With X-Force being retooled, a reunion might be in order for the swan song of the current creative team. And, Morrison has stated that many a mutant will die in his book in May, so Shatterstar may be one of the unlucky; although, he isn't a mutant, per se. Update: Domino and the X-Corporation will be appearing in the New X-Men 2001 Annual, so Shatty might be appearing on that team; only time will tell!

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