MESSAGE TO CAROL AMECHE - January 17, 2001
1/17/01, At Adoration, God the Father said:

"My dearest little soldier, be at peace, for I your Lord and your God, come
today with words of wisdom and understanding for you and for all My people.
They will be brief, but filled with love and gratitude to those who
persevere in the law of love lived in Our Spirit, allowing your hearts to be
further transformed and cleansed by My Will. Do not become anxious, My dear
people, by what you perceive as 'waiting for events to begin', but focus on
the events of cold and fire and continued oppression all over the
world.......and PRAY! Recognize the lack of new words from Heaven as an
event in itself, and an escalation of My plan to cleanse your souls and
behavior by requesting more time in quiet surrender, allowing Me to heal you
anew and form you by the desires of My Perfect Will that turns you into a
more obedient and more perfect instrument of mercy and love and compassion.

The people you will minister to and comfort after My Great Gift of Merciful
Warning to all will need you to be trained and tempered and transformed by
your own gifts of new wisdom, knowledge and understanding, given to you
during this time, but also learned through experience of the struggle and
hardship involved in your own personal loss of control of 'your world', as
you know it; living in the world, but not of it; living now in a world of My
choice, dying more to your choices of self-gratification and empty
pleasures; living a life of self-sacrifice instead of self service and
selfishness; living in a world filled with the peace of My Son instead of
the world of chaos and noise and busyness and games. All of this change took
time; but also has slowly and deeply prepared you to be who and what the
poor lost and frightened and needy ones will need you to be in order to be
the effective means of their comfort and renewal and conversion, more open
yourselves to the Spirit of God and His gifts to them through each of you.
Continue to pray for patience, My beloved ones. I am gifting you with
perseverance and new patience (as you read), a deeper understanding of these
times and My desires for you. TRUST YOUR TRIUNE GOD, MY PRECIOUS ONES. TAKE

To praise and thank your Creator and Lord, to be filled with joy and love
for your God and all His creatures is the quickest way to My Perfection ...
all through the Heart of the Immaculate One, Mary the Mother of all people,
the Queen of all hearts who have accepted her. Unite (YOURSELVES TO) each
day with its waiting, its hardships and painful events, (but also its joys),
to My Will for you and for the world; and do not waste precious time
analyzing, searching for reasons to satisfy your own egos, your own sense of
justice (as you perceive it), for the justification of your own pride, your
own puffed up egos.

Oh My dear, dear ones, ego and pride are present in all people. Subdue these
enemies to your peace of mind and heart by surrendering to the requests and
directives of Heaven given by My Beloved Son and the Immaculate Mary to
messengers in every part of the world. Ask Our Spirit to make you aware of
egotistical behavior, especially that contained in criticism and
judgmentalism of others. It is time that is critical, My people. You will,
believe Me 'Who has created you in love, Who sustains you in My love, you
will survive the nature of this critical period in history only by
abandoning your own critical nature!

Be emptied of your sinfulness TODAY. Begin again in a new spirit of peace
and patience, and trust that your God WILL remove every injustice, WILL
expose to the light all the deeds of evil held now in darkness, WILL remove
evil from the world and the hearts of those living on the earth at the
proper time and in the right way. Trust Me, My beloved! Believe in My words
this day and all that have been given through My Son, by His followers and
gathered in Scripture, as well as today in loving words of warning and
promise. Without you and your prayers, I continue to choose to be hampered,
to be guided and enabled by your own choices, your own pleas for mercy.

I, your Father God, love each of you personally, deeply, in the greatest
hope for your eternal future. Please, beloved children of My Creation,
accept My love and forgiveness and mercy this moment. Love Me. Have mercy on
Me. Forgive Me for My very necessary and perfect timetable for your lives,
for the salvation of the world. My Son beckons to you with words of
friendship, an offer of friendship and peace with all that is of My Kingdom
here and in Heaven. Pray, My most beloved children of the earth, for those
who continue to resist. I am your Father, your Lord and God, the One Who
loves you!"

Carol Ameche

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."