Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
April 4, 1999

       Mary said: "Daughter, please write. I am Mary, the Mother of the
Savior, Jesus Christ. I come to you tonight with news for the world.
--Please pray again to my Spouse for his gift of openness, and I will
accompany you. I am pleased, also child, at the gift of speaking to you at
this time. You are doing very well, my dear, dear one, and I am so happy
and delighted at your progress. The words I give now, daughter, are sent
from the Father. Please believe them with all of your heart. Your loved
ones are here with me, and send their love and prayers of support to you.
Let us begin, little special soldier:

As you look back in history, my dear ones of the world, and as you reflect
on your own lives, you see how God has sent His messengers and
prophets to warn His people of impending disasters and chastisements. All
throughout the history of mankind, there were very FEW who listened,
and so We in Heaven, Who see all time as one, have sent every word of
warning, assurances of Our love, and promise of protection, in order to
prepare you, of the Earth, once again for the Father's mighty action to
cleanse the world and return it to a state of beauty and peace, purity, and
obedience to His Laws.

The response this time has been NO better than ever in the past, and so the
Father has determined to act swiftly now to allow the plans for war,
present in the hearts of many in the world, to escalate to a full-world
involvement. I am telling you this in order to alert you to the very great
danger hovering over the Earth.

Weapons of a new and more destructive nature are already in the hands of
major powers, who wait for the right moment to unleash them on
unsuspecting nations and even on each other!

--Daughter, please pray at this point with me, once again. Thank you,

We continue: The great petition in my Immaculate and very Sorrowful
Heart is that all who read and believe in these words to you will not be
cast into despair, and cease your prayerful assault on Heaven for Mercy on
the world.

The events of the coming weeks and months and years demand the greatest
fidelity to prayer and TRUST in Our promise to protect you, and to join
all of you in begging the Father for a period of time in which events move
swiftly to the completion of the Age and return of Jesus, the Beloved Son.

--Child, your loving heart enfolds my grief over the need to share these

Once again, my dearest ones of the Earth, reach out with all of your
strength to the Father and Creator of all, for Mercy on the MANY who
will be entering Eternity from now on. The Father will allow the
annihilation of so many at this time in order to fulfill Scripture, and renew
the Earth and its people.

Do not be frightened for yourselves, My dearest children, and do not
EVER despair. You will be made so much stronger, as you survive each
event, each playing out of the evil plans of those who listen to the
destructive suggestions of Satan and use his power to accomplish his plan
of destruction of the Earth. The ones who plot to take over the world do
not realize Satan's plans to destroy his Earthly FOLLOWERS, as well,
once his objectives are met.

Even though it may appear to you that your prayers have failed or not been
heard, this is NOT so, beloved ones. Your prayers and praise and
adoration are needed more than ever, now that initial steps have been
taken in the plans of the Antichrist and his followers.

I know, my darling faithful ones, how difficult it is to receive these words.
We only attempt to prepare you for the fact that these terrible plans of the
Evil One are about to begin on a level of destruction NEVER seen by any
human before!


Do not reject these words, thinking, ‘Heaven would not send such words
of warning.' Do not be anxious about this messenger or the others that
bring news of terrible war on your horizon.

Your future will be filled with great turmoil and upheaval . The only way
to survive these Last Days is to depend totally on your Triune God, your
dear, loving Mother who loves you with her tender heart, and all the
Angels with Michael, the Warrior, and all the Saints who pray for all of
you constantly.

Each prayer for Mercy for the world will result in the Father acting sooner
now to rid the Earth of all evil, all sin, all the residue of sinful aggression
and hatred.

You do not wish to live for long under the oppression planned for the
people of the Earth by the puppets of Satan. You do not wish to wait for
another MOMENT to pass by without the increased action of our Triune
God to allow the Angels of these End Times to begin to pour out each
plague and difficult circumstance that will fill your days until Jesus
Because no one is praying enough, because not enough of Our people are
listening , it is necessary to move UP these plans of Our Father, so that
time will, again, be shortened, as will the reign of the Anti-Christ then be

You are weary of waiting now, my loved ones; (but) think of being
granted the reprieve of months and years of living under the DREADFUL
conditions planned by this son of Satan.

Because you have not known war in this country, because the world does
not know this degree of evil, many will be HORRIFIED at the perversity
and treachery about to occur. Many will think that all is lost, and that is
when you must encourage each other to persevere, to hang on just a little
bit longer before the victorious return of Jesus to drive Satan and all who
follow him into Hell.

Do NOT pass quickly over these words, dearest ones. Read them and
allow them to become the impetus for greater obedience to the call for
increased prayer and service.

You have nothing to fear, or things to plan, since Heaven will be with
you, sharing Its strength and the power of Jesus.

There is NO REASON TO PANIC, children. LISTEN to your Mother who
bids you, ‘Be at peace!' Listen to my Spouse speak to your hearts and fill
you with renewed vigor now, and a renewed trust in Our protection.


One incident follows another QUICKLY now. This COULD serve to
frighten and defeat you, my little ones. DO NOT LET IT!!

Do not let the Evil One and his demons near where you are. You have
built up a great edifice for yourselves through obedient response to my
call. Do not allow this to be destroyed, my precious ones.

The Evil One is a cunning and subtle destroyer, who wishes nothing good
for anyone. Do not be surprised from now on at ANYTHING that
happens. Just remember that it is ultimately for the good of all, even
though you cannot see it!

There will be more words in the coming days to warn you of evil plans
about to occur . Just TRUST, and follow the directions you receive.

Praise and thank your Father, dear ones, for His tender Mercy and care for
you. Thank you for listening to all these words. Kindly pray for weary
messengers, who spend long hours each day in this service to all who read
and believe.

Good night now, My faithful daughter. Rest well and be renewed until our
next visit.

Children of the world, I love you! Be on guard, dear little soldiers of my
special army of Faithful ones, the Remnant of my Heart!"

["The fruit of abortion is nuclear war"  -Mother Teresa of Calcutta]

      via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action
In our lives and in the world.
Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance.

Allow Your Justice, guided by Your Mercy,
To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and

You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us.    Amen.