MESSAGE TO CAROL AMECHE - June 26, June 28, 2000
6/26/00 .. Mission at San Luis Rey... Jesus said:  "Dearest child, please
write. Thank you for coming to be with Me. The words, I, your Jesus, speak
now are from My Father. Be at peace and filled with My love for you. Peace
is only found in Me, little one. The real battle has yet to begin!  Here now
are words from My Father to continue His visit with words for the world.

 'My dear child, begin to come into My Will for you, once again. There are
so many new things to reveal this day. I am your God and Father, little dear
one. Nothing and no one can compare to Me. There is nothing to focus on now,
save the Presence of the Triune God and your holy Mother and My precious,
Immaculate daughter.  WE are supporting and upholding you at every moment,
waiting for the day you will be crowned in Heaven forever in bliss (not a
thousand more years??? cta.)  To continue My words for the world now, please
return after receiving My Jesus in Holy Communion. I love you and am filling
you with comfort and solace. Be encouraged by the presence of all My sweet
children in this holy place, (Mission Chapel for Mass.) They are My holy
ones, daughter. Do not despair of promised gifts. It was necessary to wound
you thus (recently) in order to bring you finally into complete docility and

My people everywhere, I am come, once again, to plead with you for a return
to Me, your God and Creator, not in the spirit of the law only, but
especially in the Spirit of Love. DESIRE to be with Me in prayer, one with
My Will for you and the entire world. I tell you, nothing of the world is
important!! Nothing else, save union with Jesus and with Me and Our Holy
Spirit, will ready your heart and soul for the struggles ahead. When you are
emptied of worldly pastimes and pursuits, you are free to serve My desires
for you and the needs of others.

that the sort of love and service and mercy to your brothers and sisters is
NOT FOUND in your human nature, (your worldly self) in a very great degree
because of Original Sin (and the inclination to sin and gratification of
self) without being united to the power and strength and goodness of your
Triune God. This takes time: to allow yourselves to be emptied, to be filled
in an ongoing, ever increasing way. No, My dear one, you cannot do this,
attain even the smallest surrender on your own. It is NOT your virtue or
gifts that enable your progress in your return journey towards Me and My

Only the gifts and grace I give to you to give you the goodness, the changed
heart, the reconciliation you need to desire Me to desire to do My Will to
become a child of Mary and follower of Jesus.

 To be a child, a follower, a holy one of God entails an acceptance of the
initial graces of your Baptism and a living out of My Commandments in joy
and love; to go beyond this basic way of life and accept every request of My
Will for you personally, as recognized in each event of your life as meekly
but joyfully as possible, always saying 'yes' and accepting MORE! This is
the way of the Father for an obedient child.

Your ARE learning to walk, My faithful ones. Now I am calling you to RUN,
that I may soon teach you to FLY! Believe these words, My highly blessed and
favored ones. You have a future filled with awesome gifts, miracles and
healings. I need your 'yes'. I need your surrender. I need your joyful
acceptance of preparation now, that you might fly later! Reread and ponder
My words. I am your loving and merciful God. I offer you My power, My gifts,
My strength.  You MUST return to Me totally, dears ones. WILL YOU ACCEPT?'

 6/28/00 ... Jesus said: "My daughter, it is My Father's desire to speak
briefly once more, so I ask you to pray again to Our Spirit.

 'My dear Carol, thank you for this time to listen to more of My words for
the world. Know that many will return to a belief in Our words to you. You
have been more than patient and have become the humble one you need to be in
order to fulfill My Will for you.

 My people of the world, please reflect once again upon the need for your
praise and gratitude to be lifted up to Me. I am your Merciful God and
Father, children. Does it not seem right that I should speak to you thus?
Please do not adopt the false humility that says (or even just thinks) your
God would not stoop to simple words with His children. Are not all people
moved to speak tender, loving words to their children? Because of My great
and merciful love for each of you, I deem it necessary to speak Myself now
to give you a last warning before serious developments within the governing
structures of all countries. I wish to give you a last direct call (as the
end of this age draws near) with My loving guidance and reminders and

My dearest faithful ones, I have such wonderful plans for you, for the
entire earth and for all who accept My Will and Commandments in their lives.
My dear ones, you cannot possibly know that which you are saying 'no' to, or
that which you contemplate saying 'yes' to. On the one hand, there is no
power of your imagination that could embrace the miracles and healings and
joy-filled times ahead; or the beauty of a renewed earth, without evil and
temptations, and full of peace and tenderness and joy. On the other hand,
there is not one particle of your being that could imagine the terrible
suffering planned by the Antichrist and the destruction of the earth that
would return it to the darkness and chaos of a pre-human state.

My dearest ones, you cannot wait to be 'convinced' by the intellectual
criteria you set down for My messengers, or the fulfillment of My words.
Delays in events are also designed to bring out the worst characteristics
hidden within you, My people, that you might better see and recognize your
pride and arrogance, and bring them to Reconciliation.

How will mapping out all the events with answers (you think you have) save
you from suffering or a difficult future? Only I, your God and Creator, can
defeat the plans of Satan that will begin so shortly to unfold before the
world. It is good to have the ability to gather information from many
sources, My dear ones; but please, do not continue to batter and reject
those who continue to share the words of Heaven despite the increasingly
difficult and harsh treatment they receive from so many. None of you has any
clear understanding of the heartache and pain caused by those who think
their's is the only mission or ministry or blessed call on this earth.

All who have been vocal in helping to form the beliefs of others by
condemnation and ridicule and criticism must bring that to Reconciliation
quickly. This activity, this judgementalism must end, for it is causing your
hearts to close and harden again, to become callous and cold and very
arrogant. I see and hear you, people of My longing. I tell you, if you are
not seeking the help of Our Sprit to know your hidden sins, to 'see' your
own behavior, to hear your attitudes, you have no place in My Kingdom, for
you are already deeply and firmly planted in your own kingdom!

Ponder, once again, these words, My little ones. There are tears in this
plea from a loving Father Who desires to transform you into a more perfect
Image of Jesus, My Beloved Son. Do not be caught sleeping when the
bridegroom arrives! These are not harsh words, My people. They are loving
words from One Who loves you and wishes to save you from your greatest
enemy.... your SELF."

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.