July 19, 2000

   Message to the Wednesday night prayer group.

   My Children,  I am the Holy Spirit of God.

      I come again to you this night, My dear ones, to bring you My gifts.
Indeed, My children, you have received these in the past, but tonight they
are increased, especially your strength, and you will feel this strength,
this renewal, very quickly.

       You will be leaders of our people.  You will be a sign of hope, each
one  of you and everyone who comes to pray in this place.  Many of Our
people  everywhere are faithful ones and will, of course, be leaders as
well.  This  leadership, My children, will be a quiet leading: lead by
example, lead with  love, lead with service, lead in patience, lead in
forgiveness and mercy.

        You are so well prepared now, My dear ones.  How you shine with the
light of Jesus.  How Heaven rejoices over each of you and sings hosannas to
the Father in your name.  And, yes, your names are chanted before His
Throne.   Believe this! Believe that you have persevered well, that you have
overcome  yourself in so many ways, that you are gifted far beyond your
knowledge or  your understanding.  And again this night, I give you new
knowledge, more  understanding, deeper wisdom and joy, My people, joy!  Oh
rejoice that you  are prepared in so many ways, that you will be the
instruments the Father  needs you to be.  What a reason to rejoice.  What a
great means for praise  and gratitude that you pour out upon the Father, the
Son, and Myself, the  Spirit.

      Be happy for each other, My dear ones.  Be happy for each other's
gifts.   Let joy, peace and gratitude fill you and remain with you.  Let
nothing  disturb this within you now, My dear ones.  Practice this
equanimity.  You  have come such a long way in conquering the world, the
flesh and your little  weaknesses: the many ways in which you have always
enjoyed gratifying  yourselves with special treats, special foods. These are
the things that  strengthen you, that give you a backbone of steel, that
prepare you for war.  Again remember you have become mighty warriors, and
praise the Father.  Be a  person of gratitude, My children.

      I fill you with My Spirit: with the fire of love, the fire to serve
and  to care for the needs of others, to forget about yourselves and your
own  needs or discomforts, your own desires.  Oh My dear ones, how healed
you will  be once you are serving to this degree, to this level.  Rejoice!
Give  thanks, give praise, be a source of joy.  You are loved mightily by
your God.

  You are a source for Me (of His Presence... cta.), My dear ones.  Everyone
who meets you knows of My Presence within you; knows that your spirit is
guided by Myself.  Thank the Father for bringing you to this place of
conversion, this place of healing, this level of holiness; and look forward
to service and new joy, new compassion and new healing.

    I love you, My dear ones.  I am the Spirit of Love.  Be filled now with
all of Who I am.  Amen, My dear, dear ones, amen.

 Carol Ameche

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.