AUGUST 16, 2000

 My dearest children,

      I am your Jesus of Mercy.  I come this night with tears of joy.  My
heart is open to you this night, My children.  Mercy pours out upon each one
of you.

      For these many years now, My loved ones, gifts have been given to you,
over and over and over again.  Mercy is given; strength and forgiveness are
given.  And yet, My dear ones, you know in your own hearts, you still need
much healing!  And so My Mercy  pours forth upon you.  Rejoice, once again,
My little ones,  for you are being highly blest this night.

      How happy you have made Me in honoring My Mother with so much love for
her great feast; for the remembrancee of her wonderful, glorious Assumption
into Heaven.  Recall with Me once again, My children, how all of Heaven
filled with shouts of joy.  The Angels sang like never before and joy rang
through the heavens, more than ever could be imagined, My children.  There
was gratitude in the hearts of everyone present for the final return of My
beloved Mother and yours.  Picture this, My dear ones:  My Mother, so
beautifully gowned and crowned; so radiant with joy and gratitude to the
Father; so filled with love;  so humble and shy before the great love, the
hosannas of all in Heaven.  I tell you,  it was the brightest day ever seen
in Heaven.

      My children, I wish you to share this knowledge, this lovely mental
and spiritual picture, and to keep it closely guarded in your heart forever.
One day you will see us face to face.  And before that, many times, you will
catch glimpses of My Mother when it is necessary for your strength, for your
perservance, for your continuing joy.  But until you come to Heaven, you
will never see the radiance that exists, the beauty of My Mother glorified.
Long for this day, My children.  Let it be a goal; a motive for prayer, for
fidelity, for perservance.  Allow it to give you strength.  Allow it to be
your joy.  My Mother is My joy. The Will of My Father is Our joy;  and it
must be yours, My dear ones.

      Oh, how much I love you!  How I wish you could hear Me saying every
day, every moment, as I do: 'My dear little one, be brave, be strong, be
loving, be merciful, for I love you; and I cannot wait for the day when I
hold you in My arms....forever!'  My children, be healed by these words.  Be
encouraged by them and by My love.  Believe in My words, My little ones.
You are precious, more precious than diamonds.

      I fill you again with My Peace and new joy.  Return this joy to Me
through the heart of My Mother and, together, we will take your joy to My
Father in Heaven.  Remember My love....every moment.

  Amen, My children, amen

 A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

 "We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world.  Without Your
Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and
forgive us, we pray. Amen."


via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action In our lives and in
the world. Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance. Allow Your Justice, guided by Your
Mercy, To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
power. Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and
forgiveness. You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us. Amen.