MESSAGE VIA CAROL AMECHE -  February 8, 1999
February 8, 1999 1:30 a.m. (I had been asleep)

 Jesus said: "Dearest child, please take My words. I am your Jesus
Who comes to bring you solace and direction. Please, daughter, do NOT
leave today. It is too much for Susan (my daughter who is dealing with a
gravely ill child) to handle without you. I know how much you dislike
having to cancel your plans in Oklahoma. Please, believe it is I Who
speaks and asks this of you. You will see such enormous changes (a
grandchild is very ill) during this very week. Carol, this is Jesus, this is
Truth! This is what you need to do, if you believe in My words at all.
Then, daughter of My Sacred Heart, please follow My request. This is a
huge act of trust on your part. This is a great act of surrender, I know.

Daughter, I will not lead you astray. Yes, you are being used in ways that
are extremely difficult for you. I know you would be faithful to the people
waiting to hear Our words. I will give them words tonight in order to
soothe their hurt and disappointment. Please say a special prayer to Our
Spirit in order to better hear and record what I will give to you:

' To the children of My Heart who are faithful followers of Mine, who
have invited My daughter and special messenger, Carol Ameche, speak to
your groups, I beg you to be of good cheer. She is acting directly upon
words given this early morning to remain here to serve her family. These
events have been prophesied to her four years ago, and are just now
coming to fulfillment. With the arrival of these events, a signal is received
by her that a new time of service and level of participation in the Father's
Plan has begun. Please continue to keep her family in your prayers.

These are difficult times for all of you, and I send My deepest appreciation
to each of you for your fidelity and love. This messenger of Mine is seeing
events fulfilled now that she has been prepared for, and prayed about, and
been strengthened by for many years. She has much to share with all of
you about patience and the importance of waiting on your Lord and God.

You are all so much closer now through prayer and trust in the words you
have been receiving from Heaven. This messenger WILL come to be with
you at a later time, just as you had planned, but in obedience, must remain
here to serve her family and the desires of My Father. This is a most
difficult decision for her, and I ask you to receive this delay with
compassion and gentleness. You will all be together one day forever in
My Kingdom.

Continue as you are at present, My dear ones, in prayer and preparedness.
Continue to come to Me daily in My Blessed Sacrament. Know that you
are receiving increased strength for the preparedness of your hearts for My

Thank you for reading My words to you and your churches. The priests
who had planned to receive My daughter are twice blessed by your
faithfulness to My Mother and to Me. I am your Jesus of Mercy, of Love,
and of the greatest devotion to you.

Go in peace, knowing that you are My Chosen Remnant who will remain
faithful, many of whom will see Me coming on the clouds with My
Angels to defeat the Anti-Christ, to defeat Satan and all his cohorts and
followers. You will fight with Me, My dear ones.

You are precious to Me, and I bless you now with new joy and new hope
for the Victory already won, that will usher in the New Era of Peace and
Purity. You are brave and faithful, children of My Heart, and I will bring
all of you to Me according to the Will of Our Father. Persevere, My dear
ones, and know how much your are Loved. '

Daughter, I tell you, you will see the fulfillment of all Our words
regarding these events now. Praise the Father that He has heard your pleas
for Mercy, and is about to comply to your wishes.

Events escalate, dear one. They will never slow down or be delayed again,
despite the periods of waiting that are still in your future. Be filled with
Peace now. Know that all is well for you in the hearts of those who had
expected your visit.

Do not fear. Your visit to them will occur before you depart with your
Angels in order to avoid nuclear fallout. In the meantime, keep them, and
all who love My Mother and the Triune God, in your heart and prayers.

Thank you, child, for your instant obedience and compliance with all of
these requests. You will not be sorry or embarrassed that you have agreed
to them. Be filled with My Peace. Be filled with My Love."

 Mary then said: "Daughter, I, your Mother of Sorrows, come to
confirm the need to remain here to serve the needs of all in your little
family. I invite you once again to allow the Father's Will to be your guide,
a framework for the rest of your life. Give up any thoughts or desires you
have had in the past, and think only of the way Heaven is working in and
through your giving praise and thanks to the Father for His great Mercy.

I am with you at every step. If this is not fulfilled, then you are free to
return to your home and pursue your own desires, your own
understanding of the future of the world!

Child, you are needed by Heaven. Remain strong now, I beg you. Remain
close to my Heart. Believe and be at peace. This is a mighty test for you,
Carol, and will bring you to a new level of unity with my Son. Be happy at
this answer to your prayers and compassion for these little ones.

Continue to praise and thank our Beloved Father Who Loves all of you so
much. You will be a mighty weapon, forged in the heat and fire of trials
and suffering. Be filled with anticipation, dear one of my Immaculate
Heart. You are overcoming all that brings grieving to your heart and
spirit. The Father will grant your wishes in wonderful ways. Continue to
remain ever so close to Jesus and to me, daughter. I thank you so much for
all you do in obedience and love. Daughter, I am smiling with delight!"

      via Carol Ameche, Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 20, 1998.

Father, we kneel before Your Majesty and ask Your action
In our lives and in the world.
Enact Your plan now, Father, to bring all Your people back to You
In love and remorse and repentance.

Allow Your Justice, guided by Your Mercy,
To pour forth upon the waiting world that knows not Your Love and
Bring us back to Your loving arms and scoop us up in Your Mercy and

You are Our God and Our Creator, Our Savior and Our Sanctifier.
We beg You, Father, receive our prayers and answer us.    Amen.