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Vampires in Comics

On the Portrayal of Vampires
A common type of person in comic books today is one that has been given the "gift" and "curse" of eternal life. They are vampires! Older comic book collectors may remember ancient comics about Dracula and his kin, but that's not what I am talking about here. I am talking about today. There are several comic books about and dealing with vampires nowadays, including Morbious,Vampirella,Vamps, and the highly publicized new comic book series, Crimson.
Vampires have taken on differnet images since they're beginnings in comic books. The first vampires pretrayed in issues of Tales From the Crypt and it's ilk were monstrosities. they were literally the walking dead. The horrable image of vampires continued through Morbiouswhich you don't even hear about anymore.
Today's vampire has become more modern, even downright glamerous. The beauty and good looks of vampires like Jade, Vampirella,the girls in Vamps, and Alex Elder inCrimson are prevalent in this generation of vampire comics. True, some of the other characters in Crimson may be ugly as sin, but they are not "the undead" that literature and histoy seems to say they once were.
As a final note, the original "vampire", Vlad Dracul, AKA Vlad the Impaler, did not have fangs, or drink blood. He was mortal.

