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Youth in Comics (Gen X)

Today's youth comes in various shapes and forms, from varied backgrounds, and heritages. In today's comics, no comic book so represents this diversity as well as Marvel Comics's Generation X (Note: in this essay, only book titles and companies will be italizised) Many different nationalities are represented, from American (Paige, Ev, Jubilee, Emma, Angelo), to British (Jono), Algerian (Monet and Emplate), Irish (Sean), even Yugaslavian (pre-Hama ruined Penance, when she was Yvette) Even those from America have different backgrounds, from the mall-rat livin' it up lifestyle of Jubilee, the country mouse life of Husk (Paige), the death-ridden gang life in the barrios of L.A. that Skin(Angelo) lived, even the big city see ya in St. Louis life of Synch (Everett). They were all brought together by the one thing they shared, their mutant powers.

This diversity brought about various conflicts in personality and attitude. Jubilee felt like she had supremacy, as she was an X-Man already. Paige got called a "hayseed" by Jubilee, a "country mouse" in the "dream issue" (by Angelo) and during a Scrabble game with Angelo, a "hick". Jubilee (who I now realize does most of the name calling) has called Monet a "priss" and "stuck up" among other things because of M's rich upbringing, and she gave everyone a "comdescending" attitude. Jono got called "childish" (indirectly) by Paige and Angelo for standing in the rain in issue two, and only after calling them that first. His power got him called "Sparky" by (you guessed it) Jubilee upon their first meeting (in Logan Airport in issue one, after Emplate's attack). And that is only the beginning.

Even after all of this, though, they have been able to work together as a team. They banded together to find Penance in issue two after she escaped the med-lab and began a rampage through the forest, to save Emma and Leech from Hemingway and Marrow (issue six), to "re-start" the Glamor Machine (issue ?), and even to get back the stuff stolen by Trace and Aemon (working for Dorian and Weasel in issues 33 and 34, I think).

In class they are cut ups, getting bored, worring about exams, studing, and honing their powers. They are a very diverse group of youths, but they are stiil able to work together........


I thought that I would at least put some of this up, since there was such a demand for it. The rest shoud be up in a matter of days.

