PO Box 5792, Greenville, South Carolina 29606
March, 1999 Newsletter
Next Meeting - The next meeting will be Monday, March 1 at 7:30 PM at GMU North Ramp. All are welcome. Ira McKinney has an audio tape description of P-51 flying during the war and we'll all join in the hangar flying afterwards…
February Meeting – Nice turnout and good hospitality at the Pearce's. Everyone had a good look at the Lightning Bug; coming along fine and Wayne got some information to help him keep the craftsmanship high and progress steady.
Facilities - Facilities for our monthly meetings are provided by TAC-Air FBO. We have met at the North Ramp for some time now, always due to their hospitality. Remember them the next time the needle says 'E' or you get the urge for some plane stuff - thank them for sharing the room.
Flying Tales -
Any other I learned about flying from that stories from the members would be appreciated, both for the lessons learned the cheap way and for their story value.
NOTAM - Anderson has an AWOS. 120.675 on the dial or 864-226-9522 by phone.
Young Eagles Update - Col. Capp and the Wade Hampton JROTC has again asked for our assistance to provide rides for cadets who have been active in their high school program. They anticipate approximately 18 students will show, Saturday 27 March at the GMU North terminal.
Danny will be asking for volunteers - take a turn.
Schedule - A reminder from our fearless president (and others) that 2 of the proposed meeting dates on the schedule sent out conflict with outside activities: July 5 and Sept.6 are changed to July 12 and Sept.13. Mark it down and tell us how your holidays went.
I Knew That! (AIM) Compass Locator - A low power, low or medium frequency (L/MF) radio beacon installed at the site of the outer or middle marker of an instrument landing system (ILS). It can be used for navigation at distances of approximately 15 miles or as authorized in the approach procedure.
(AIM) Contact Approach - An approach wherein an aircraft on an IFR flight plan, having an air traffic control authorization, operating clear of clouds with at least 1 mile flight visibility… may deviate from the instrument approach procedure and proceed to the destination airport by visual reference to the surface. This approach will only be authorized when requested by the pilot and the reported ground visibility at the destination airport is at least 1 statute mile.
AGL (A Good Laugh) - More Bumper Snickers:
Who are these kids and why are they calling me Dad?
Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.
This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen.
Cassutt project for sale - Factory welded fuselage, tail feathers and control system. Wing is complete and project is on gear. Lower cowl and racing canopy included. Asking $2800 for all. Dan Arblaster (864) 306-8538 jda20@juno.com Williamsport airfield (Easley)
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the front conference room located in the main terminal building of the Greenville Downtown Airport, Cornerstone Aviation, 100 Tower Drive, first Monday of every month at 7:30 PM. The Chapter 249 Newsletter of the Experimental Aircraft Association is a monthly publication and is distributed to all members in good standing of Chapter 249. Any articles, items, stories, etc., contained within are not to be interpreted as 100% factual. Reproduction and use of material printed in this publication is approved and encouraged, and permission of EAA Chapter 249 is not required unless stated otherwise. Kindly cite the source as the Chapter 249 Newsletter. Articles published herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chapter, the editor, membership, or officers. The deadline for items to be published is Monday following the monthly meeting. All copy and other materials should be mailed to the Newsletter Editor at 115 Greenbrier Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680 or Emailed to john@cdynamics.com
P.O. BOX 5792