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July, 1999 Newsletter

Next Meeting - The next meeting will be Monday, July 12 at 7:30 p.m. at GMU - Greenville Downtown Airport. All members and guests are invited to attend.

June Meeting – We had approximately 20 members and visitors at the meeting, coupla new faces, too... Say hi! to that pilot next to you. We heard some interesting things from Danny and Mike Nier about the 1st Freedom Weekend Aloft balloon launches held in Anderson. Flight info, start-up and safety precautions, performance and payloads. Normal pilot stuff - (basically we wanted to learn how to fly them ourselves). We also spoke about aircraft (property) taxes and the evaluation process on airframes. Alex Dukes and I are looking into this.

Young Eagles News - On Saturday, June 19 Danny, Bill Binford, Ad, Mike Nier and I flew down to Greenwood to help their local chapter hold a rally during Park Seed Co.'s Festival of Flowers. Good turn out, and a few interesting planes taking turns in the gusts. I flew a young woman who had been at one of our meetings recently - she was keeping her flying interest alive - and she got a little yoke time to show for it!

Speaking of the Greenwood people, Danny went down to speak at their last meeting and talked about his RV-6 and how the building was going. Had a good time, lotsa interest and questions. Returning the favor their president, Robert Bryant, did when he spoke to us about regaining his medical and the diet that helped so much.

NOTAM - If there is a RED DOT on your address label, you are late with Chapter 249 dues. See Dave Meyer with $12 in your hand and join the 'paid in full' flyers around you! Help us get enough in the kitty to have a ‘do this year.

BIG NOTAM - It's no April Fool's Joke. In the April 1 Federal Register, the FAA issued an interpretive ruling on the meaning and responsibility of FAR 91.123, compliance with air traffic control clearances and instructions. This one still bubbles... As editor I get to steam off once in a while and the FAA is my favorite target. We need them as much as anyone else in the sky, but sometimes they just seem to have too much time on their hands... Has anyone written about the Trust Fund (see below) or user fees or FAA’s lax diligence over airport usage and rezoning? Is it OK that airport owners to sell off property that Federal regs. forbid, or allowing garbage dumps close to landing traffic patterns [Please say no!] One stamp, one envelope, one letter to the Senate Office Bldg., Wash, DC 20012. Skies for the pilots.

Aviation Trust Fund - There is now a bill before the Senate, AIR21, that would remove the Aviation Fund from the General ledger, where it has been held hostage for many years, and allow the FAA to control, plan and spend our aviation improvement money properly. Kinda hard to plan with enthusiasm when all you have are 'virtual' dollars. The money was allocated long ago, just not released. This is one of the reasons for the User Tax discussions. Air traffic control structures are continuing to evolve and the FAA should have all the resources they were promised. A good time to write Mr. Strom and Ernest a short letter…

Falco masterpiece for sale - A handcrafted wood speedster that’s looking for the final touches. Find out what the Ferrari of the Skies looks like before the paint job. Talk to Alvin James.



AGL - A Good Laugh

> I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.

> Someday we'll look back on all this and plow into a parked car.

> Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself,

"Where the heck is my ceiling?!"

> Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If they aren't there the first time you need them, chances are you won't be needing them again.

> You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.

> We had just completed a flight in a commercial airliner from Chicago to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The aircraft had taxied to the gate and the engines shut down. Everyone in the now-quiet aircraft was waiting for the seatbelt light to extinguish when my 4-year-old brother's voice range out,

"But, Dad! We didn't drop any bombs!"

Young Eagles Update II - The goal for EAA Young Eagles is for every member to fly 10 children in 1999. Stevens Aviation is planning a Rally on September 25 at GSP - they always put on a real professional show. Share the thrill of personal aviation with the next generation. Sign up and help the next time a Young Eagle's Rally is announced.


The Chapter 249 Newsletter of the Experimental Aircraft Association is a monthly publication and is distributed to all members in good standing of Chapter 249. Any articles, items, stories, etc., contained within are not to be interpreted as 100% factual. All copy and other materials should be mailed to the Newsletter Editor at 115 Greenbrier Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680 or Emailed to







P.O. BOX 5792