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Bueno, algunas persons han perdido por una pagina web acerca de vocabulario español, y ¡aquí lo está! Well, some people have asked for a web page about Spanish vocabulary, and here it is!. Before I begin with vocablulary, let me tell you a few rules about speaking with the Spanish language.

Sigular Plural
A Masculine Un Unos
Feminine Una Unas
The Masculine el los
Feminine la las
  1. Vocabulary words need "a" or "the" in front of them at nearly all times
  2. Plural words must match plural "a" or plural "the"
  3. Words ending in o are generally considered masculine
  4. Words ending in a are generally considered feminine Examples follow

Examples were promised and examples you will have. Matching up to the four rules of course.

  1. Vocabulary words need "a" or "the" in front of them at nearly all times
    • I have some bananas. Tengo unos platanos
    • I have a banana.Tengo un platano
    • I have the pens. Tengo las plumas
    • I have the pen. Tengo la pluma
  2. Plural words must match plural "a" or plural "the"
    • I have a computer Tengo unas computadora(INCORRECT)
    • I have a computer Tengo una computadora(CORRECT)
  3. Words ending in o are generally considered masculine
    • The desk is mine. La escritorio es mio.(INCORRECT)
    • The desk is mine. El escritorio es mio.(CORRECT)
  4. Words ending in a are generally considered feminine
    • The house is burning. El casa está quemando.(INCORRECT)
    • The house is burning. La casa está quemando (CORRECT)

Well, now that we have some of the rules out of the way, let's get started with some of the things that I can see right here in my room.
English Español Pronuncation
chair silla see-yah
computer computadora cahm-pu-tah-door-ah
window ventana ben-tahn-ah
door puerta puer-tah
bed cama kah-mah
floor pisa piece-ah
bathroom baño bahn-yo
year año ahn-yo
month mes mayse
week semana seh-mahn-ah
day día dee-ah
hour hora or-ah
minute minuto min-ooh-toe
second segundo seg-oon-doe
moment momento moe-ment-oe
date fecha fetch-ah

Various Things

Days of the Week
Monday lunes loon-es
Tuesday martez mahr-tehz
Wednesday miërcolez me-air-coh-lez
Thursday jueves weigh-vays
Friday viernes bee-air-nez
Saturday sabado sah-bah-doe
Sunday domingo doe-ming-oe
Note: the Spanish week
begins on Monday
Months of the Year
January enero e-nair-oe
February febrero feab-rare-oh
March marzo Mahr-soh
April abril ah-bril
May mayo my-oh
June junio hune-y-oh
July julio who-lee-oh
August agusto awl-goost-oh
Setember septiembre Sep-tea-em-bray
October octubre oct-oob-ray
November noviembre noh-bee-em-bray
December deciembre dee-cee-em-bray