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Key Scottish Dates

13th May 1999 Scottish Parliament meets for first time since 1707.
17th/18th May 1999 Scottish First Minister and Cabinet endorsed by Parliament.
1st July 1999 Scottish Parliament Officially Opened by Queen Elizabeth II.
11th August 1999 Lunar Eclipse
4rth September 1999 Football: European Championship Qualifier away match against Bosnia-Herz. Scotland win 1-0.
8th September 1999 Football: European Championship Qualifier away match against Estonia. Scotland draw 0-0.
22nd September 1999Scottish National Party Conference begins.
23rd September 1999Hamilton South By-Election. Labour Party beats SNP by only 600 votes.
9th October 1999 Football: European Championship Qualifier home match against Bosnai Herz. 1-0 to Scotland.
October 1999 Football: European Championship Qualifier home match against Lithuania. 3-0 to Scotland.
17th November Westminster Parliament opens with Queen's speech
30th November 1999 St Andrews Day.
31st December 1999 Millenium celebrations begin
28th February 2000 Centenary of the Labour Party
27th May 2000 Football: Scottish Cup Final
10th June 2000Football: Euro 2000 begins
2nd July 2000Football: Euro 2000 Final
1st January 2002 Earliest date for euro notes and coins to be circulated alongside the existing currency in participating countries.
May 2002 Latest month possible for a Westminster General Election
1st May 2003 Scottish Parliament Elections
June 2004 European Parliament Elections