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Welcome To Scottish Freedom

The website began in February 1999 and it aims to present the case for Scottish Independence and promote Scottish history and culture.


The issue of Scottish independence is not a recent one. It dates back hundreds of years and even beyond the days of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce in the 13th & 14th century. Even in the periods when Scotland had won independence, Scottish armies still had to battle against successive armies of English invaders. Scotland lost Independent status when the Act of Union was signed and governance of the country was passed to the Westminster Parliament in London.


Times have changed and Scotland has representatives in the Westminster Parliament and is partially governed from the devolved Parliament in Edinburgh, the Capital of Scotland. The demand for Scottish Independence continues because in modern times, Scotland has suffered as part of an unequal union. Independence is needed for to remove such inequalities and to allow people in Scotland to reach their full potential. The Westminster Parliament concerns itself with what is best for the huge populous in the South of England and often neglects Scotland. The restoration of full Scottish Independence is necessary to allow Scotland to flourish.


Scottish Independence can be acheived in the near future. The devolved Scottish Parliament provides a platform from which the independence movement can gain more representation, support and publicity than ever before. Electoral success for the Scottish National Party at the next election in 2003 will bring independence a step nearer. The SNP would negotiate the terms of independence with the UK governement and the proposal would be put to the Scottish people in a referendum.

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Scotticus The Webmaster
  • Home: Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Occupation: Student.
  • Specialised subjects: political science, psychology and Clydebank FC.
  • Other Interests: Scottish history, music, reading, television and sport.
  • One Of My Favourite Quotes: "Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience". (J Milton)

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