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politics Famous Scottish Quotes

"I have never betrayed Edward, nor an English Lord, for I have never submitted to them. You cannot break a word you never gave, and my allegiance is and always has been to the legitimate King of Scots. Edward is a tyrant, usurper and a criminal fit for the rope" (William Wallace, 1305)

"Everywhere I go in the world people want to know about Scotland and why we tolerate our affairs being run by someone elses government" (Sean Connery)

"When the history of the '70s and '80s comes to be written, historians will be puzzeled by the Oil Phenomenen: how an intelligent well educated nation in a developed country becomes the only people ever to discover oil and become poorer" (Jim Sillars, 1985)

"The fact of the economic success of small nations is beyond despute. In terms of GDP per head, 25 of the world's 35 richest nations have populations of less than 10 million" (Alex Salmond, 1996)

"Scotland shall yet be free" (William Wallace)

"I have long held a theory that I could transport every person in Scotland, even for a single day to the gallery of the House of Commons then Scotland would be independent within a week" (Alex Salmond)

"Every vote for the SNP is a vote that puts Scotland back on the map and forces London to sit up and take notice" (Sean Connery, 1997)

"We have broken through a huge psychological barrier, self-confidence has triumphed over self doubt, the politics of fear have failed, Scotland has crossed the rubicon to the politics of hope" (SNP Leader, Alex Salmond after winning the 1997 devolution referendum)

"There shall be a Scottish Parliament" (first line of Scotland Act 1998)

"As an SNP Parliamentary group our primary loyalty is with the people of Scotland in line with the Scottish constitutional tradition of the Sovereignty of the people" (SNP Leader Alex Salmond's statement before taking the Parliamentary Oath to the Queen, 12th May 1999)

"The Scottish Parliament adjourned on the 25th day of March 1707 is hereby reconvened" (SNP's Winnie Ewing, acting speaker at the first session of the devolved Scottish Parliament May 1999)

"You will be called upon to exercise wisdom in using the powers of this Parliament, to make laws with care and deliberation, and to hold to account Scottish ministers and public servants to ensure good government for the people of Scotland" (Queen Elizabeth II at the 1999 opening the devolved Scottish Parliament)

Insults Against Scotland

"The most prosperous region of England is Scotland" (Richard Ottaway, Tory MP, 1994)

"Sovereignty rests with me as an English MP and thats the way it will stay" (Prime Minister Tony Blair, 4/4/97)

Verses added to the British National Anthem in 1745 during the rise of the Jacobites in Scotland:

"O, Lord our God Arise,
Scatter our enemies,
And make them fail.
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On him our hopes are fixed,
God Save us all"

"God grant that Marshal Wade,
May by that mighty aid,
Victory Bring.
May he sedition hush,
And like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush,
God save the King."