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Steps To Independence

There are three political parties in Scotland who are in favour of Scottish independence. The Scottish National Party is the major one, however the Scottish Green Party and the Scottish Socialist Party also seek Scottish self-government.

The most likely way of gaining independence would be if the SNP won the majority of the support in the elections to the devolved parliament - this would be considered sufficient support to allow negotiations to take place with the British Prime Minister. Once a settlement is drawn up a referendum would be held. The referendum would probably consist of a written modern Scottish Constitution and a Declaration of Independence being put before the people of Scotland.

If the referendum on independence was given support by the electorate then Scotland would then become free. Then the new Scottish Constitution would become law along with a Bill of Rights. The Parliament would be elected by a system of proportional representation. Scotland would become a member of the United Nations and the European Union. The new Parliament would have the right to appoint a European Union Commisioner, Scotland would be entitled to take part in the European Council of Ministers and would be able to hold the Presidency of the EU like other member countries.

Once the process is complete, Scotland will have the best possible and most sensible form of government in place. It will give Scotland the greatest ever opportunity to use its natural resources and skilled workforce to the fullest advantage.