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The next game in the Final Fantasy series


Squall Leonhart
Laguna Loire
Rinoa Heartilly
Zell Dincht
Seifer Almasy
Quistis Trepe
Irvine Kinneas
Selphie Tilmitt
Ward Zabak
Kieroth Siegel
Idea, the witch
FFVIII's Flying Ship, Ragnarok

The Plot

Squall Leonhart is a student of Garden, a private school that trains mercenaries. After completing training, he is inducted to SeeD, an elite mercenary force. At a swingin' party for new SeeD recruits, Squall meets Rinoa Heartilly. The pair go their separate ways without ever revealing their identities. The two later meet each other unexpectedly. Squall discovers that Rinoa is the leader of Forest Owls, a rebel group (with a wimp name) fighting against the powerful nation of Galbaldia. Squall is slowly but surely drawn to Rinoa.
After meeting Rinoa, Squall starts having a bizarre series of dreams. He dreams he is Laguna Loire, the soldier who wants to be a journalist (foolishly not realizing that being in journalism is more hellish than being shot at day after day). Laguna appears to be on a military mission with his two buddies, Ward and Kieroth.
While Squall leads a double life, the winds of war build. Powerful Galbaldia, having annexed the neighboring Dole (for its luscious canned pineapples), declares war on all other countries. The president is assisted in his global domination goals by the witch, Idea. Squall is given an order to join a team to assassinate the witch.
Will Squall succeed? Who is his dreamy alter ego, Laguna Loire? This is where you come in and the story begins.

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Squall Leonhart
Age: 17
Height: 177cm
Weapon: Gunblade
Squall is the apparent "hero" of the new Final Fantasy series. He has a scar across his face from a recent practice with Seifert Almasay. Squall has a tendency to be slightly rash and quick to judge, but these judgements are usually on-the-money and he has no trouble making very wise decisions, even in the most difficult of situations. However, dreams of "love" constantly invade his sense of service. He has had many confrontations with Seifert in the past, and is somewhat irritated with his arrogance. Withdrawn and quiet, Squall also is part of the SeeD batallion, but to what extent is unknown.
Attack name: Sword combo This special attack can be performed if a triangle appears beside the "Fight" command. More damage can be inflicted by pressing the R1 button in sync with the triangular gauge at the bottom left.

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Laguna Loire
Age: 27
Height: 181cm
Laguna is the hot-looking, sweet-talking lady killer of the group. At the age of 27, Laguna is much the opposite of Squall. Very outgoing, with a confidence that is tempered by a vision of righteousness, Laguna is one guy that will stand up for what he believes in and fight to the death for it. Not much else is known about Laguna, as he did not appear in the demo.

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Rinoa Heartilly
Age: 17
Height: 163 cm
Rinoa did appear in the demo, but did not do much (sort of like Aeris in the Final Fantasy VII demo). Due to the fact that she never spoke (for whatever reason), it is very hard to give an early synopsis on the character. Beautiful and in control of powerful magic, she is definitely an interesting character who will probably keep budding psychologists talking for months, even years, after the game is released.

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Zell Dincht
Age: 17
Height: 168cm
Zell is another member of SeeD. However, he seems to be a character who is more interested in following his orders and going home, instead of trying to show up the others, as Squall and Seifer are constantly trying. For the most part Zell seems much more occupied with trying to make his day go by the right way, and he just can't wait to go home. Definitely not as zealous as Squall and Seifer, Zell seems very unhappy with his position in life.

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Seifer Almasy
Age: 18
Height: 188cm
If you notice, Seifer also has a scar similar to Squall's. And in some recently released pictures of the intro, it appears that Seifer and Squall have trained extensively, and have something of a rivalry (kind of like Tom Cruise and Iceman in Top Gun). Many have speculated that the scar on Squall's face, which appears to be slightly newer, was due to an initiation process by Seifer. Seifer is Squall's superior, and he agitates Squall with constant reminders.

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Quistis Trepe
Age: 18
Height: 172 cm
Weapon: Chain whip
An exemplary Garden graduate who entered the mercenary school at the age of 10 and was accepted by SeeD at 15. She is presently an instructor at Ballam Garden, Squall's school. Attack name: Blue magic FF fans should be familiar with the concept of blue magic -- spells and special attacks learned from enemies. Once learned, blue magic spells may be chosen and used without any chance of failure. In addition to inflicting damage, some spells have after-effects such as poisoning, causing confusion and turning to stone.

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Irvine Kinneas
Age: 17
Height: 185 cm
Weapon: Gun
The self-acclaimed "best sniper in Garden" attends, Galbaldia Garden, a different school than the one attended by Squall and other key characters.
Attack name: Shoot Irvine can blast away repeatedly with his rifle until he runs out of bullets or time. The bullets used in this attack are special ones with added effects such as fire, ice, poison and shotgun. These can be bought at shops.

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Selphie Tilmitt
Age: 17
Height: 157 cm
Weapon: Nunchuks
A prospective SeeD member who attends Ballam Garden. Despite her supposedly elite status, she is spontaneous, naive and vacant.
Attack name: Slot Selphie's special technique involves a slot machine -- whatever turns up, she gets to use. (It's similar to Cait Sith's dice from VII and Setzer's slot machine from VI.) The spell she could use and the frequency are displayed. If you don't like it, you can cancel it and roll again, but there is a time limit.

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Ward Zabak
A towering Galbaldia soldier who accompanies Laguna. Befitting his bulk, his weapon of choice is a harpoon. Appearances aside, he is 25, two years younger than Laguna. A man of few words, he appears to be the strong, silent type.

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Kieroth Siegel
The third member of Laguna's trio. He is the youngest of the three at 23. The dark-skinned soldier is slim and sinuously strong. He uses a small dagger-like weapon for fighting in close. Although he appears to have a coolly confident look, he is exposed as a fun-loving soul by his sniping at Laguna's sillier statements.

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Seifer's Sidekicks, Fujin and Raijin
Among Seifer's sycophants, Fujin and Raijin stand out as his lieutenants. Both are extremely loyal and have sworn total subservience. Together with Seifer, they serve as the high-handed Morals Officers of Garden.
Curt and caustic, her speech is limited to short and sharp outbursts. In contrast to her subservience to Seifer, her attitude to Raijin is poisonous.

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In spite of his imposing stature, he is no match for Fujin's sharp intelligence.

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Idea, the Witch
The re-emergence of Idea, a legendary witch, sets the wheels of history in motion. Endowed with enormous powers of magic, the witch appears to be at the center of a coming war. It's not known if Idea is the ultimate evil in the plot, but judging by the presence of Seifer at her side, it looks like a sure bet that Squall will be facing his nemesis. Idea, the Witch The re-emergence of Idea, a legendary witch, sets the wheels of history in motion. Endowed with enormous powers of magic, the witch appears to be at the center of a coming war. It's not known if Idea is the ultimate evil in the plot, but judging by the presence of Seifer at her side, it looks like a sure bet that Squall will be facing his nemesis.

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FFVIII's Flying Ship, Ragnarok
Flying ships have been the staple of Final Fantasy series titles. In FFVIII, the crew gets to fly Ragnarok, a futuristic vessel that is designed for maximum mobility. It is fitted with two high output engines that give it maneuverability on a par with conventional aircrafts, armed with a 609mm charged particle beam cannon and two 152mm multi-barrel laser cannons. Ragnarok is said to be developed secretly by an unnamed country. Count on seeing an impressive event or two involving this craft. Ragnarok lifts off. Are we going to get space travel for the first time since FFIV?


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A Special thanks to ReTokyo: Games for this info