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Midi: Golden Eye First Contact Boombastic
A little bit of geography for all Americans: I'm Swiss, but I don't live in Sweden, because the Swedish live in Sweden and the Swiss live in Switzerland. Got it? All the Americans go now please here .
I-hate-you-mails can be sent here . Maybe I'll post them somewhen.
Die Internetumfragen unterstützen zur Zeit keine Mehrfachnennungen, weil die paranoiden Typen von Angelfire es nicht erlauben, CGI-Programme auf ihren Server zu laden. Das verwendete Programm ist eigentlich nur für Webmails gedacht, daher auch die "E-Mail sent"-Meldung.
Weitere Umfragen kommen dazu, sobald ich Zeit habe.
I do not think there is any violation of copyrights on my page, but
if you think there is one,
feel free to send my an e-mail. I will
examine if you have a right to it, and then either add your
copyrights or delete the file. I used some midi files to design this page,
so there might be a file I should
not have used.
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