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<bgsound src="images/carolina.mid"loop=infinite>  
    Have a seat on the swing and relax. This page is for our good friend Marie. I wanted to show off her lovely plants and her beautiful yard. She is always working in her yard and it really shows. She has lots of fruit trees, beautiful flowers, and she grows vegetables too. I'll have pictures of the yard a little later in the season.

    When she's not in the yard Marie has a green thumb when it comes to houseplants too. Below are pictures of a few of them. She bakes a super cake too!! Thanks Marie, for sharing.



She's got the perfect light
A Closer Look
They look like a beautiful
blanket of flowers
The Christmas Cactus

in April ??
Actually, it blooms twice a year
    As you can see Marie really has a way with flowers. Come back soon and see her beautiful yard, complete with a goldfish pond. Before you go, here is a picture of her Aloe Vera--we all like to grow them!

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