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I have had a lot of people ask for more T-shirt transfers, so here they are--at least a beginning.I have made matching cards for some for gift-giving.
The Tweety T-shirt and Card on this page were requested, and it is also for my own Grand-daughter,Mary Elizabeth, who is fondly called "Tweety" by her Daddy and Auntie!! Bobby Labonte was requested and he is also my Grandson Ryan's "hero".You'll find him on the NASCAR page. I hope you enjoy this page as much as my family is!

There will be lots more to come, so if you have a request, just fill in the form at the bottom of the page, and I'll see what I can do!

If you see "print this" at the bottom, click on it and a printable page without the Angelfire Banner will come up.
Make sure you have "Print Background" checked in Printer Options unless otherwise noted.  


Here is a Harry Potter transfer for all you Harry Potter lovers. It's ready to print.Just click on Harry and take a look!!



Tweety Transfer
Matching Card

Bear w/Flowers Transfer
Matching Card

W.C.Fields Quote
Beer Transfer for Back
Betty Boop
Another Betty Boop
Matching Card
Matching Card

Wallet Size Frame
Snapshot Size Frame

Doughboy Transfer
Matching Card

Kittens Transfer
Matching Card

Panda Bear Transfer
Matching Card
And Thank You for visiting!!
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