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Syllabus for Virtual Chemistry Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them. -Ann Landers
Syllabus Links: Course Information Course Links
Chemistry District Syllabus

State Course Description and Recommended Prerequisites

Course Description:   This course allows students to study the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes they undergo. Students will study periodic trends of elements, bonding, formulas, equations, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, acids and bases, kinetics, thermodynamics, redox reactions and electrochemistry. A major goal of the course is to develop in students an appreciation and understanding of the complex structure and behavior of the world around them and to help students develop the ability to evaluate the complexity of science and technological issues. This course involves the use of advanced mathematical and reasoning skills.

Course Prerequisites:  Algebra I Algebra II concurrently (or teacher recommendation), Physical Science

Textbook: Modern Chemistry, Holt, Rhinehard, and Winston, 1995

Periodic Table


Chemistry WebBook

Wilton High Chemistry Web Resources


High School Chem Hub

My Links Instructor Information
My Web Site (under construction)

Name:  Mr. Michael Simmons

Office:  Greenville High Academy, Room 305

Biography:  BS in Secondary Education, Bob Jones University;  MEd in Secondary Education, University of SC, NBPTS Candidate.  Greenville High Academy Science Teacher for 14 years.

Grading Links Grading Policies
State uniform grading system Grades are determined from the following catagories at the given percentages:
  1. Chapter Submissions: 35%
  2. Journal 30%
  3. Discussion Participation: 5%
  4. Midterm: 10%
  5. Semester Exam 20%
Course Outline
First Quarter


  1. Introduction to Chemistry
  2. Measurements
  3. Atomic Structure
  4. Electron Configurations
  5. Periodic Law
Second Quarter


  1. Chemical Bonding
  2. Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds
  3. Chemical Equations and Reactions
  4. Stoichiometry
Third Quarter


  1. Representative Gases
  2. Physical Properties of Gases
  3. Molecular Composition of Gases
  4. Liquids and Solids
  5. Solutions
Fourth Quarter


  1. ons in Aqueous Solutions
  2. Acids and Bases
  3. Acid-Base Titrations
  4. Reaction Energy and Reaction Kinetics
Course Goals
SC Science Standards


See District Chemistry Syllabus
Lab Procedures
  • A copy of the lab must go in your journal. 
  • All lab activities will be completed at Greenville High Academy in room 305.