Have a new strategy you would like me to post? just e-mail me the strategy and category and even if its a new category at a1h3@hotmail.com
Frontal Attack
The frontal attack works well at times. Usually you would send most of your people on a direct attack towards the flag. This might work well because the enemy usually go's for the flank. If you move fast enough you could be there swipe the flag and back before the enemy even saw you starting location(this depends on the size of the field). If it is a bigger field I dont recommend you do this strategy.
Full Defence
This strategy is fun and works alot. What you do is keep your whole team on defence. This is how you set up: put people around you flag station pretty close but attention not focused on the flag.. around the area. Then send some people to lye in the woods scattered around and use camo. Then you have your couple main groups of 3-5 people usually on the sides. Once theres 5min left CHARGE!
The mixture is astrategy that you usually do without knowing. You send a few groups of 2 or 3 scattered through the woods towards the enemy. You allso have a few people stay back around the flag. And the rest run of on there own (scattered)to make assults.
The flank is one of the most used strategies. All you have to do is when the game starts run to the side and start working your way up. When you reach beside the enemy attack from the side.
Disguised Flank
the disguised flank needs at least 3 people i would say but the more the merrier. What you do if you have lets say 5 people, 3 people stay out where the enemy can basically see them and take the fire. The other 2 people slither up the side unnoticed. They can with swipe the flag and run or shoot the people from behind (this I reccomend or if you feel very pitiful you can mercy the enemy people....
The scramble usually gives you more of a chance to be hit sooner but its worth it if you win. As soon as it starts everyone does a mad scramble scatter thing and finds there own seperate bunker. Then slowly move in on the enemy untill youve won.
The Wall
The wall is fun and works often. How you do this is line your people up in the basic same spot and defend. The people that have been hit may get mad that your just defending and this is when you should start the SCRAMBLE strategy.
The mixture for team elimination is exactly that, havinga mixture of strategies. What you do is have some people get into bunkers and defend, others attack, and others scramble around. This is what usually happens in games, it works well.