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1999 Season

The 1999 season is now over. Facin and I had a wonderful year...and I owe it all to my friends and family. They are the ones that helped Facin and I make 1999 the best year possible. I want to thank all of my friends for their encouragment and support. It all means so much to me. I cannot possibly name everyone..but I would like to name those who had a MAJOR part in my show career.

Mom- My horse trainer!! What would I do without you? Facin's success could not have been done without you to teach it all to her! THANKS MOM and even though I may not express it enough...I APPRECIATE VERY MUCH all you do for me, and all of your countless hours spent working with Facin and I.

Dad- Even though you cannot be at the shows all of the time (due to your work)...I know you are at least thinking about me part of the time. Thanks for your support also. I love both you and mom very much.

My Grandma- For your time spent getting ideas, accessories, jewelry, clothes, material, YOU NAME IT...for my custom made show apparel. were there every step of the way...making sure Facin and I looked our best. I appreciate your support and all of your love.

Linda, and Morgan- You guys made it fun traveling to and from shows! Thanks Linda for your support, and also for lending me anything I ever needed! Morgan...haha!! Well you made it fun in the Hotel room!! Behave yourself now!! And BEST WISHES to you next show season!! If you EVER need any help with Showmanship or anything....let me know! I'm always GLAD to help!

***Watch for Morgan and her new horse Steppin On Heir

Robin, Adam, and Erin- Robin, thanks for always making sure I have what I need...and any extras along the way!! Adam, THANKS SO MUCH for pulling my horse to the Congress!I know Mom couldn't stay awake that long, so somebody had to do it!! THANK YOU!!! Erin, Well SIS ....!! I think you and I always kept everyone stirred up in the hotel room! HAHA!! This coming year...maybe we'll behave ourselves a little better! Ya THINK?? NAAAA!!!! Thanks for keeping everything exciting and fun! I LOVE YA!

Justin- My GROOM!! Haha!! THANKS SOOOOOOO MUCH for carrying all of my stuff!! What would I have done without you!!? I know there were times you probably felt you couldn't put another foot in front of the other..walking up that hill so many times!! BUT YOU MADE IT...and all of your help really contributed to what this show stuff is all about! You also kept encouraging me when the going got tough. Thanks! MUCH LOVE!

Fedelis and Jan- Thanks for your time spent in making "slinky's," hemming my show pants, and your support! You guys always put your heart into everything you do for me and it means more to me than you will ever know.

Facin when she was 3 years old.

1999 year end point standings visit:

the South Carolina Quarter Horse YOUTH standings...

Many thanks to my 1999 sponsors!!

LeGrand Caraway: Attorney at Law

Rock Smith Farms

Billy Frost's Insurance Agency

Gene Ho Writing and Photography

Dennis and Beverly Drake