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Gov. Croque's Christmas Party - Chat Transcript

The following is a transcript of a chat with Stuart Devenie, the distinguished New Zealand actor and drama teacher, who played Governor Croque on "Jack of All Trades" as well as various roles on "Young Hercules" and "Hercules: the Legendary Journeys," including the evil god Cernunnos. This took place on Saturday, December 16th, 2000, from 6 PM to 10:45 PM, EST (or Sunday afternoon for New Zealanders) at the Sam Raimi Yahoo Club.

Mr. Devenie was on the line live from the home of his friend Darien Takle in Auckland. I served as his typist. As I'm a terrible typist, I often had to condense his extremely eloquent responses to various questions. Also, as the scrolling of the screen moved fairly quickly, I often only saw the most recent question to relay to him, and so some may have been inadvertently overlooked (like japjoea's question on acting!) I did try, however, to capture his expressions and figures of speech. Apart from the occasional short "i" in place of the short "e" sound (a bit more like "niver" for the word "never" for example) that marks the New Zealand accent, his voice is very smooth, deep, and British-like. Much like that of the villainous Count he played in "Greece Is Burning."

Stuart Devenie in foreground

The origin of this chat: after "Jack's" cancellation was announced, Mr. Devenie posted a message to the Studios USA message board thanking the fans for having been so loyal and supportive. One thing led to another, and through the efforts of Bill Cole (Lasermn) Mr. Devenie agreed to a live chat with his fans. As it grew closer to Christmas, his enthusiasm grew, and we advertised the event as "Governor Croque's Christmas Party." The night before the official chat, we held a test run in which Jordi (Jordi32196) and Melody (sirenia2525) chatted with Mr. Devenie about the influence of Pacific Renaissance on the NZ economy and its acting community, his experiences on stage and with "Shortland Street," the origins of much of the humor of "Jack" in British pantomine, his theories on the satire and anachronmism in "Jack," and how tremendously rewarding the show had been for him personally. His daughter was in the hospital after dental surgery, and after visiting her, he was planning to attend the Auckland Theatre Company's Christmas party that evening.

He promised to "plug" the chat, and sure enough, the next day we had not one but three surprise celebrity guests: Stephen (Capt. Brogard) Papps, Kevin (Ares) Smith, and Darien Takle (aka Cyrene, Xena's "mum') at whose home Stuart was staying. She later got on the line "live," while the other two simply called in on a second line, and relayed their comments to Stuart who then relayed them to me. As I was logging in, Stuart briefly put Darien on the line to "introduce" us, and she was pleased to learn that she was on television as we spoke! (the WGN re-run of "Haunting of Amphipolis.") She was also very excited about her upcoming convention appearance in Pasadena. She then said she was off to have a spot of tea, and asked if I had any suggestions; I suggested "Earl Grey, hot," which she said was her choice as well. Then she said "Talk to you in a bit, luv" and Stuart was on. (NOTE: "joxerfan" is me, and "joxerSfan" is my friend Jenna, aka Emilia01; "chat_guest2001" is always the guest, unless it's in blue, and then it's me!)

Blue Italics = questions that were answered, and/or my editorial comments

Bold Red = Stuart (and Stephen, Darien, and Kevin)

Regular = chatters' comments

joxerfan: ok, here's the deal

blacky_blacky: can anyone just jump in?

watcher_grrl: Raising our hands?*g*

lasermn: I have no idea what the ground rules are in these chats when The Governor appears, can anyone help me out?

joxerfan: Stuart Devenie is on the phone w/ me right now live from Auckland

sirenia2525: okay

krissykfk: Lest there be MAYHEM.

sirenia2525: like before

joxerfan: I will type the stuff he says as "chat guest 2001"

watcher_grrl Yahoo!s

sirenia2525: okay

joxerfan: so......have at it!

indianajgirl44: cool

japjoea: I'd like that myself.

lasermn: OK, I'm going to sit here and wait for Stuarts arrival

joxersfan: lets go!

japjoea: That works

joxersfan applauds chat_guest2001.

t_antares2000: okay

bummer2323: i would like to know which he had more fun playing, the marquis or the governor

japjoea: I would love to know his favorite ep.

chat_guest2001: Hello, from our very hot Christmas summer!

Jordi32196: Hello, Stuart! Delighted to have you with us again!

hbkidywo: Hello Stuart!

joxersfan: Welcome!

sirenia2525: hello:)

lasermn stands up and applauds

indianajgirl44: hello!!

blacky_blacky: welcome

t_antares2000: hello

watcher_grrl: Hello Stuart!!!

krissykfk: Hi!

joxersfan gives chat_guest2001 a big hug

chat_guest2001: I had more fun playing the governor!

bummer2323: cool

indianajgirl44: figures

chat_guest2001: The marquis' costume was incredibly uncomfortable...

Shirley_LeVasseur: lol

chat_guest2001: though I had fun playing both...

lasermn: lasermn stand and applauds The Governor

bummer2323: I can imagine!!

blacky_blacky: did you do all your own stunts in the Marquis episode?

chat_guest2001: It was quite difficult in some sense...

Mayfair51 joined c_samraimi:1.

sirenia2525: hey Mayfair:)

chat_guest2001: you had to make some distinction between the two parts

Shirley_LeVasseur: (hi Mayfair)

Mayfair51: Hello!!!1

watcher_grrl: Who was the crazy kid that came up with Mr. Nipples?

chat_guest2001: and the Marquis as a guest character had to fit in with the general style of all the other guests,

Jordi32196: (Pardon me if I don't say much, as I'm making the transcript.)

joxersfan: And who decided to kill him?

chat_guest2001: such as Blackbeard, King George, etc.

watcher_grrl: *g*

japjoea: I was wondering about any acting advice yu might have.

chat_guest2001: the guest stars were slightly madder than the regular cast...

sirenia2525: lol

indianajgirl44: hehe

watcher_grrl: hee hee!

chat_guest2001: in fact after playing the Marquis I had much more respect for Croque

chat_guest2001: he seemed quite normal after that

Shirley_LeVasseur: lool

japjoea: We noticed

bummer2323: how cool!!

joxersfan: funny

indianajgirl44: wow hehehe

Jordi32196: LOL!

lasermn: Governor, you were a scruffy looking prisoner in the episode where you were in jail, I always wondered what you looked like without any make-up

sirenia2525: catch the acting advice question, august?

bummer2323: he's right, the guests are very over the top!

hbkidywo: I loved the way Croque became a "pal" to Jack as the eps went on

japjoea: I could use it

watcher_grrl: yeah - bonding1

chat_guest2001: Hmmmmm

watcher_grrl: (oops)

Jordi32196: Talks to a cow puppet... Normal... yeah, I can see that. *g*

chat_guest2001: similar to Croque, just without the wig

watcher_grrl: LOL!

bummer2323: lOL... jordi!

sirenia2525: Jordi!;)

Shirley_LeVasseur: lol jordi

chat_guest2001: the wig doesn't go over too well at the supermarket

japjoea: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

watcher_grrl: *g*

indianajgirl44: hehehehe

Shirley_LeVasseur: no?

hbkidywo: How did you enjoy playing "the Dragoon" in Love Potion #10 episode?

bummer2323: aack! supermarked...wig....I love this guy!

Jordi32196: LOL!

chat_guest2001: Love Potion # 10 was one of my favorite episodes

sirenia2525: august--acting advice...and I guess the wig was part of lasermn's question?

chat_guest2001: it was great fun

bummer2323 gives chat_guest2001 a big hug

Mayfair51: Mine, too!

japjoea: Cool!!

lasermn: Governor, did you make off with any mementos, like taking Mr. Nipples with you for posterity?

watcher_grrl: Or, what was left of Mr. nipples?

Mayfair51: If not, I want it!

Jordi32196: According to Stuart, they made him look so pale by not putting any makeup on him. *g*

japjoea: Don't hurt him, I'm still waiting for my advice

watcher_grrl: Yeah!

chat_guest2001: Mr. Nipples is still in the Pacific Renaissance prop room

Mayfair51: Ebay him!!

sirenia2525: what will happen to the props?

bummer2323: they need to share the wealth!!

chat_guest2001: (but is in negotiations for his own series next year)

blacky_blacky: what was it like playing opposite "napoleon?"

japjoea: To bad.

Shirley_LeVasseur: LOL

hbkidywo: I hope that means they are ready incase something happens, keeping props there

t_antares2000: they should auction some props off

watcher_grrl: I'd buy it - because I'm rather sad.. *g*

joxersfan: funny!

Jordi32196: Somebody rescue Mister Nipples!

watcher_grrl: LOL!

indianajgirl44: hehehe

sirenia2525: hey slow down with typing!

krissykfk: :)

bummer2323: use them for hte movie of the week!!

chat_guest2001: by the way, I notice that on the website, they're selling property on Pulau Pulau

sirenia2525: can't read the ???s

chat_guest2001: It's Margui, is it?

sirenia2525: yes

Shirley_LeVasseur: What do you think of Josh Becker as a director? :)

chat_guest2001: The buyer of the Governor's Mansion should be aware...

japjoea: I can't keep up!!

joxersfan: typing to fast.....cannot keep up!

chat_guest2001: that there is an existing tenant

Jordi32196: Yes they are, and I own the Governor's Manor! LOL

Mayfair51: I want beachfront property!

Jordi32196: Yes, Margui. She's terrific.

chat_guest2001: so the Governor and Mr. Nipples come with it

watcher_grrl: I'll take Jack and Em's place!

sirenia2525: cool

hbkidywo: I want the Drunken Pig

watcher_grrl: Not a problem there....*g*

Shirley_LeVasseur: lol

Jordi32196: LOL!!!!

joxersfan: I have a question

japjoea: Me too.

joxersfan: Who decided to off MR. NIPPLES?

bummer2323: LOL!

chat_guest2001: Relating to the props....

watcher_grrl: Poor thing!

lasermn: Stuart, have you heard any rumors about Ren Pic selling the rights to to JOAT someone else?

chat_guest2001: it's the most ecologically aware company I've ever seen

watcher_grrl: *g*

joxersfan: Poor croque goes through sooo much! Then they go and squish his best friend!

bummer2323: Really?

chat_guest2001: because all the props are recycled into other shows

japjoea: Mr. Nipples will be avenged!!

bummer2323: not to mention the actors...

watcher_grrl: YES!!!!

chat_guest2001: it's not just the props, but the actors too who are recycled!

hbkidywo: I bet Mr Nipples will reappear on Cleo or Xena

watcher_grrl: I hope!

watcher_grrl: Awww...they're gone too!

Mayfair51: And the Marquis, too

watcher_grrl: *g*

chat_guest2001: on the rights being sold....


Mayfair51: yes?

chat_guest2001: that was a rumor circulating here a couple of months ago...

joxersfan: crosses fingers

jackaltrades joined c_samraimi:1.

watcher_grrl: crosses toes


Mayfair51: shall we start sending swords?

joxersfan: and?

japjoea: I would like to ask about the acting advice now?

chat_guest2001: I don't think anything has come of it though...

watcher_grrl: *passes out while holding breath*

bummer2323: AAACCCKKK

joxersfan: Oh NO!

hbkidywo: I noticawwww :-(

bummer2323 yells, "For crying out loud!"

t_antares2000: :(

watcher_grrl: GRRR, ARGH!!!

watcher_grrl screams in a mad fit

chat_guest2001: "Laura Sue Dean" from Whoosh! seems to have her finger on a very accurate pulse, and some of the information we get (i.e. from her) comes from a very accurate source

japjoea: WAKE UP WATCHER!!!

hbkidywo: They better at least rerun the shows in second run.

bummer2323: who should we send our petitions too for the rights to be sold!!!!

Shirley_LeVasseur: oo

watcher_grrl: lol! Thanks, jap!

joxersfan: good idea Angie!

lasermn: Stuart, if the rights are sold, how will the actors all get together, if the new buyers wants all the leads?

watcher_grrl: nooooo!!!!

bummer2323: there's still plenty of swords out there!

japjoea: No prob!

chat_guest2001: well, to get the actors, they would just ring our agents

japjoea: Let's get cracking

watcher_grrl: *cracks whip* SEND THOSE SWORDS! *g*

Mayfair51: I got some swords left! LOL!

lasermn: Hiya "Laura Sue" I was hopeing you would show up

japjoea: Could you ask him about other projects he is working on?

bummer2323: i wonder if the cast and crew ever heard about our sword campaign?

watcher_grrl: That'd be nice

chat_guest2001: on the swords....

chat_guest2001: oh yes we did

japjoea: I'm sure they did.

watcher_grrl: Whooohooo!


chat_guest2001: and we appreciated it hugely

Jordi32196: Bruce certainly did, Bummer. He and I talked about it, remember?

Mayfair51: Bows humbly!!!

japjoea: See...

chat_guest2001: the swords were a wonderful idea

joxersfan: We tried!

watcher_grrl cheers

bummer2323: but bruce lurks occasionally...i wondered aobut the others

chat_guest2001: I'm sure that all the people at Studios USA appreciated it as well

lasermn: Stuart, it was Mayfair51 that suggested the swords, she is part of our chat right now

bummer2323: COOL

Mayfair51: Thanks!

japjoea: You never now.

chat_guest2001: on current projects

watcher_grrl: Uh, time is up....thanks guys! And thank you Stuart!!!

watcher_grrl: bye!

bummer2323: bye watcher

chat_guest2001: I just finished playing a small part in a film called "Her Majesty"

sirenia2525: bye

Mayfair51: Bye, watcher!

watcher_grrl: Vive la resistance!!!

watcher_grrl left c_samraimi:1.

japjoea: Bye.

chat_guest2001:It's about the Royal Tour of New Zealand in 1953

chat_guest2001: (Queen Elizabeth's tour)

japjoea: She was cute.

lasermn: Stuart, will the movie appeear here in the US

japjoea: NOT THE QUEEN!

chat_guest2001: and it's produced by Walter Coblenz who produced "All The Presidents' Men"

bummer2323: hope he didnt play the queen!

chat_guest2001: among other films

Shirley_LeVasseur: cool :)

chat_guest2001: it was directed by an American named Mark Gordon - this is his debut feature

Jordi32196: I bet Nigel did ;-)

japjoea: It's a funny visual thugh.

bummer2323: LOL...jordi

blacky_blacky: im back

chat_guest2001: And I didn't play the Queen *this* time!

bummer2323: LOL

sirenia2525: lol!

krissykfk: Hey, I'm not away.

japjoea: HAHA!!!

bummer2323: I REALLY love this guy!!

joxersfan: have you ever visited the StudiosUSA site for "Jack of all Trades", Stuart?

bummer2323: This whole cast and crew seem like the greatest people!

chat_guest2001: Alison Wall (who plays Minya in "Xena") worked on the costumes for this film

chat_guest2001: she's very well known as a costume designer too

Shirley_LeVasseur: Minya RULES

bummer2323: That's a neat tidbit

japjoea: Could you please what he would like to try in the future?

lasermn: The costumes are one of the things I liked sooo much about JOAT

chat_guest2001: Yes, Jenna, I have visited the website

bummer2323: ME, too!

japjoea: Ask, that is

chat_guest2001: I try to visit about once a week or every 10 days or so

joxersfan: Thank you!

japjoea: Cool!

sirenia2525: nice

indianajgirl44: Mr. Devenie, how did u feel when u got the part as Croque?

hbkidywo: I hope they update the official site soon.

Shirley_LeVasseur: :)

joxersfan: You should visit the Message Board and talk with us!

bummer2323: it's so cool to see you on the mb, Stuart!

chat_guest2001: I believe it's the 3rd most popular site on Studios USA after "Hercules" and "Xena"

bummer2323: ANd much friendlier

Shirley_LeVasseur: it is (3rd most popular)

hbkidywo: That's awesome!

lasermn: Do you know if any other cast/crewmembers visited our message board with any regularity, Studart?

bummer2323: yep, but herc and xena don't have our special guests!!

japjoea: No Flame wars!

Jordi32196: That's great to hear. :-)

Shirley_LeVasseur: LOL

bummer2323: we have been the luckiest mb!!

indianajgirl44: that's 4 sure

Mayfair51: Too bad they cancelled our show

Shirley_LeVasseur: (I think it's more like, very limited, infrequent flame wars)

chat_guest2001: On getting the role as the Governor

japjoea: Easily.

joxersfan: So many wonderful actors and crew members have joined us!

bummer2323: and such friendly and interesting members!

chat_guest2001: I was in a play called "12 Angry Men" in Auckland

chat_guest2001: I got a ring from my agent

bummer2323 grabs joxersfan and dances around the room.

joxersfan: i know that play

joxersfan: Happy, Angie?

chat_guest2001: Another fellow from the cast got an audition as well

chat_guest2001: he was rather short and round

bummer2323 gives joxersfan a big hug

chat_guest2001: and the fellow who auditioned right before me was also short and round

japjoea: That is a great play

Jordi32196: LOL

chat_guest2001: and I thought I wouldn't have a chance if they were looking for a "pudding"

Mayfair51: Short and round, like Napoleon?

sirenia2525: :)

chat_guest2001: but after 5 weeks, they rang and said they wanted to use me

Jordi32196: LOL!

bummer2323: I can't imagine a "pudding" playing the governor

chat_guest2001: and I was delighted of course

japjoea: Good ol' Nappy!

bummer2323: we're delighted too!

chat_guest2001: not quite as short as Napoleon though

sirenia2525: lol!

indianajgirl44: hehehehe

Mayfair51: Nobody could have done a better job!

bummer2323: LOL

lasermn: Stuart, at the time you got the call to play Croque, did you know who the other leads were?

bummer2323: exactly

Jordi32196: You played the part perfectly, Stuart!

joxerfan: by the way, feel free to ask more questions, if we missed them earlier

hbkidywo: How was it working with Danielle Cormack?

joxersfan: Played to perfection!

japjoea: I'm still having trouble, It won't scoll corectlly

sirenia2525: japjoea's acting advice

hbkidywo: Croque was THE Governor

chat_guest2001: On Danielle Cormack....

chat_guest2001: I had known her before....

japjoea: I would like to know about advice for a begining actor

chat_guest2001: but that was the first time we had worked together

Click HERE for Page Two, in which Stephen Papps makes an appearance via telephone!
