Heavenly Jokes of the Otaku (freak)((Obssesed anime fan))
Your an Otaku if:
- You have a whole wall of copied anime tapes and you've never watched any of them more then once ( if at all)
- You've learned the whole language of Japanese and you've never been taught it
- people know when you step into a room because they suddenly feel like a small cabit
- your continualy beging asked for taped anime tapes from people you don't even know!
- you know more Japanese phrases then english ones
- to keep from getting in trouble you tell your teacher/boss/employer when your mad at him that he's a Otaku baka ( meaning freakish fool)
- when you sppeel in Eenglish, it's terrible, (worst then mine) but when you do so in Japanese you create award winning novals
- you know more Japansese pick up lines then English ones
- You currently own more then one non dubbed or subbed anime video ( no translation at all!!!)
- While watching futurerama and the robots arms fell off you screemed Kusanagi !!! ( main charater from ghost in the shell, ripped her arms off by attempting to rip off a tank top)
- You say you like all anime, even the really bad one's like Orange Road, and Brother Dear Brother and other bad anime's
- You dress up in a $400 custom for dress up day's ... AND EVERY OTHER DAY OF THE YEAR FOR THAT MANNER
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High schools united
Just having some fun and decided, what would be better then this. I'm still meaning to put up a message board with all this stuff, but my memory is about as good as my attention spand. "look at the stupid bird, come here bird come here, hehehehehe " homer simpson
Email: elfere@hotmail.com