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  More Links  
    We didn't have space for all the links that we wanted to put on the site, so we've added this page where, amongst other things, you can find links to some of our friends' web sites...

If you want a link to your site on this page, then email us with the address and tell us why.


The International Dumping Agency - don't know quite how to dump your bird, you remember - the one who you thought was quite fit until you saw her the next day? Well, this site is sure to help, constructed by our resident womaniser Ben Gold

Ben Graham's Website - a jolly good piece of internet mastery, cleverly crafted by our mate Ben.

Click here for 20 signs that you're drunk

Hugo Jannering's Website - he's more than just a funny name, and his website isn't bad.

James Gerard's Website - he's Jewish too!

Keshet website - The website of City of London School's very own Young Enterprise company

10 laughs a day Psychic Chicken Network
Hatemail The Dialectiser
The Toilet Paper The Simulator

If you want a link to your site on this page, why not e-mail us with all the details and a brief description, so that we know whether or not we are publicising absolute pants, or the work of a computer genius.
Why not send us an Email?

E-mail us with your jokes too, if you think they are worthy to be alongside the gems on the jokes page (P.S. We didn't write them, so if you think they're crap, don't blame us.)