These poems were written by a new cousin we recently found
and has kindly given his permission for us to share with others.
Don't count the candles on my cake,
Or the dark spots on my skin.
Don't ask me just how old I am,
Or about the aches within.
I wouldn't know how old I was
If I didn't know my age,
And just because my hair is gray,
It's not time to turn the page
Just tell me that I'm looking well
Even though it isn't true.
It helps my ego, don't you know?
And it's something you can do.
Another year has now gone by
With all it's joys and sorrows,
Another year begins anew,
With hopes for its tomorrows.
The dawning of another year
Begins with resolutions,
Then problems come to test our lives,
We struggle for solutions.
When in our youth, a year seemed long,
And we lived it day by day,
For if we had a problem---well,
It just seemed to go away.
Those problems then, seem simple now,
For we have learned to cope.
Our problems now? So difficult!
Yet we live with faith and hope.
So sing the happy-birthday song.
Then give a hug or two.
And when your birthday comes around,
I'll do the same for you.
Loyd D. Wilson
May 25, 2007
As you drove by my house today,
It seemed to me, you looked away.
Have I done something that offends?
If so, I'd like to make amends.
I know I make mistakes, it's true!
So, if I have offended you,
I'd like to try to make amends.
I want us still to be good friends.
As I put down that simple note,
I seemed to hear my father's quote:
"You may not know if harm you've done
Or if you've injured anyone.
But if you feel that something's wrong,
Then seek the cause. It won't take long.
If you're at fault, then make it right.
If you've been wronged: forgive! Don't fight!"
The answer came, surprisingly,
She felt that she had injured me!
"She felt embarrassment," she said,
"And that is why she turned her head."
Our friendship grows, it's stronger now.
We both have learned, and if somehow
We make mistakes, we'll make them right.
We'll be at peace. We'll sleep at night.
Loyd D. Wilson
March 26, 2007
Another Year
Another year has dawned anew,
Another year now has past.
We wonder what the new year brings
As we ponder 'bout the last.
We cannot change events gone by,
Whether good or bad, they're gone!
We can't recall the words we spoke.
We cannot un-sing the song.
But day by day the future comes
And with it we can repair:
Broken hearts and spirits that need
A friend, to know that we care.
We cannot change the entire world,
But we can affect one life.
That life may be our very own,
A friend, or a child in strife.
It may just be one child of God,
Who has wandered---who has strayed,
Or one who's never had the chance
To find truth for which he's prayed.
We can resolve to share the news,
The Savior would have us share,
Or do just one more act of good
For the stranger standing there.
We can forego just one more meal
And give for someone in need.
We can forgive---we can forget
Transgression---and errant deed
And we can lift a distraught soul,
One who has reason to grieve,
By being there with open arms.
Their pain, we can help relieve.
Then day by day, we can go forth
By striving with all our might,
Make this new year a better one
By doing that which is right.
Then, if perhaps, we do not last
To see another year dawn,
We'll not regret, but will rejoice,
With angels in joyful song.
Loyd D. Wilson
Jan 3, 2007
'Tis Christmas time and once again,
We're reminded of Christ's birth.
We hear the carols and the hymns,
About how He came to earth.
How glorious to those who knew,
That He, God's Son, had been born.
But few there were who really knew,
'Twas the Savior's birth that morn'.
The angels in the heavens knew!
With good tidings and great joy,
The angel to the shepherds came
And revealed to them that boy,
Born in the city of David,
Was the Savior, Christ the Light!
Said, "Glory to God in the highest!"
Jesus was born that night!
And from the east, the wise men knew!
They traveled to find the King,
Followed the star to the manger,
For Him, their gifts, they did bring.
The prophets knew, as they foretold,
His birth, and where it would be.
But blinded by men's wickedness,
Men closed their eyes; would not see.
His mother knew! There is no doubt!
Chosen before earth began,
She knew just who her son would be:
Begotten of God; Son of Man.
And we all knew, for we were there!
Our spirits bade Him farewell.
And once again we celebrate,
His wondrous story to tell.
So let our voices join in praise;
With thanksgiving, let us sing,
About the babe in Bethlehem,
About Jesus Christ, our King!
Loyd D. Wilson
Dec 11, 2006
We set aside one day each year,
A day we call, "Thanksgiving."
We say the day's a holiday
From the daily grind we're living.
Sometimes we talk about the past,
About the first, "Thanksgiving."
About the early Pilgrims here,
And how they made their living.
We tell about the "Indians,"
And the help they freely gave,
Without which, those poor
Puritans would have died, and so we save
In memory their sacrifice,
Recalling what must have been
A time that was most difficult.
We give thanks to all of them.
What led those people to this land?
What caused them to leave their home,
To cross an ocean and to live
In a land that was unknown?
The promise they could have some land
Which would be their very own,
And to practice their religion
Long denied them by the throne!
So there was no hesitation
As they bowed their heads to pray,
And gave their thanks to God above
On that first "Thanksgiving" day.
When they gave thanks, it was to God!
They believed it was from Him,
That what they had, though sparse and slim,
"Twas what He had given them.
So today, we have tradition,
And we celebrate the day.
Some with a big turkey dinner,
And some in a different way.
It's sad how often we forget
That the thanks which we should give.
Is for the blessings we receive,
For this country in which we live.
That we can worship as we choose,
Speak out when we disagree.
That we can make our way through life,
In this land, where we are free.
To just say "Thanks," seems not enough.
If we're thankful, we should give
To those who are less fortunate.
It's the way that we should live!
"Thanks" giving day? This I believe;
Give 'thanks" every day, and then,
When day is done, and nighttime falls,
We kneel and give "Thanks" to Him.
Loyd D. Wilson
Dec 23, 2006
When I look back upon my life,
the good times and the times of strife,
Reflecting on the things I've done;
Sometimes I've lost; sometimes I've won,
I feel remorse, and some regret.
Those thoughts are troublesome, and yet,
I feel at peace. And you know why?
It's 'cause I've never ceased to try!
I have my bad times and my good,
And things that I've not understood.
But over all, what brings that peace?
I do my best! It brings release.
No I'm not perfect, that I know,
And times I've tried hard not to show
The misery that comes with sin.
So I get up and try again.
I'm grateful for the gospel boon,
And try to live; to stay in tune.
That's when I feel the Spirit near.
That's when my heart is free from fear.
So looking back at all that's past,
I see that life just doesn't last.
Today is all that's left to me.
Tomorrow, I may never see.
Today I must do all I can,
Then I can be a better man,
So when they lay me down to rest,
They'll know that I have done my best
I thought that I was going blind
It was getting so hard to see
I'd squint and blink and rub my eyes
But it wouldn't clear up for me.
My kids said: "Dad, you're getting old
Your eyes are not what they once were
And I agreed, what could I say
Where I looked--all things were a blur
And then one day---a miracle
But it happened--now I could see
My little grandson took the time
To wash my glasses for me
Sometimes at night, I lay abed,
And thoughts go swirling through my head.
I tell myself, "These thoughts can keep.
Now close your eyes and go to sleep!"
It's such a simple thing to do,
And yet, I just can't follow through.
I toss and turn; those thoughts won't stop.
It's in a cycle they are caught.
So I get up, some water drink,
Then lie back down and start to think
Those same darn thoughts; they're back again.
It seems that I just cannot win.
I punch my pillow--does no good,
Because I didn't think it would.
I know that I'll regret this night!
Tomorrow I will have to fight
To stay awake; to do my work.
It's something that I cannot shirk.
All of that goes through my mind,
But restful sleep--I cannot find.
And so the night goes passing by,
It doesn't matter what I try.
Just when I clear my mind for sleep,
My old alarm clock starts to beep.
Loyd D. Wilson
OCT 29, 2006
This mortal life that we endure
Though full of pain and sorrow
Is but an instant in God�s time
So from that truth we borrow
The strength to live and carry on
For there is joy in knowing
That once our life on earth�s complete
It�s back to HIM we�re going
We're never ready for the loss
Of a loved one that death steals
And so mere words fail to express
Deep emotions that one feels
True there is pain, but not remorse
When a loved one passes on
We ache because they're not with us
Yet we know where they have gone
It is sad when one we cherish
Should be taken from our home
But the joys that do not perish
Live in memory, all our own
Yet, again we hope to meet them
When our days of life have fled
There in heaven , with joy, greet them
Where no farewell tears are shed
So we bid farewell to loved ones
We sorrow that they are gone
Though we know their trials are over
In our hearts they linger on
Loyd D. Wilson
26 July, 2005
Life can be difficult it's true
We're challenged, tried and tested
There are days we must struggle through
When things get real congested
We can't give up when things get tough
We have to keep on trying
And we should never say, enough
Although there's no denying
That there are times when it would be
Much easier just to say:
I've tried my best, don't pressure me
But that's surely not the way
For there's no gain in giving up
To win, you must take action
It's when you hold the victor's cup
You feel the satisfaction
The race called life we run alone
Each day we begin anew
And those who've won the race have shown
There is much that we can do
By single little tasks or deeds
We make our days seem brighter
When we attend another's needs
We make our own loads lighter
So when you�re tested, smile and say:
Whatever comes, I'll take it!
I will not weaken through the day!
I'll do my best, I'll make it!
Loyd D. Wilson
30 May 2005
I went before the Lord and asked
Why do I suffer so
What have I done to cause the pain
This anguish that I know
I have tried throughout my life
To praise and honor Thee
To give and serve to those in need
To try, like Thee, to be
I have not sought the victor's crown
Nor for the praise of man
I have always tried to be
The very best I can
I know that I have made mistakes
So many, yet I know
That I have tried to make them right
By this I've tried to show
That I am truly penitent
And sorry for each sin
But as each day goes passing by
I know I'll err again.
But Lord, it's not for me I ache
Tis for others that I love
Who walk in paths that do not lead
Back to thy home above
I worry about my children
Who struggle, try to cope
With problems that are difficult
How can I give them Hope
I know they have their agency
Bout choices they must make
But how it hurts to see them choose
The way they shouldn't take
I worry that perhaps I've failed
To teach them as I should
To set a good example
Or to do all that I could
It hurts to see them suffer
From the trials they face in life
And know that theres little I can do
To help them through their strife
And as I knelt, I heard a voice
Within my heart, so clear
I looked about to see if there
Was someone standing near
My son, I heard the soft voice speak
Your fears are not unknown
The pain that you are feeling now
You do not feel alone
These children that you care about
The ones I've sent to you
I'm also much concerned about
They are my children, too
Be patient and I'll comfort you
Just try to understand
That all must seek their path their self
To search for truth firsthand
Loyd D. Wilson
5 Jan 2004
Yet another of my loved ones,
Has been laid to rest today.
Her body placed beneath the soil;
Her soul sent on it's way.
Again we pause to think about
This event that we call death,
Can't help but wonder what she thought
As she drew her final breath.
We have our hope, we have our faith,
And we have the Scriptures, too!
And we all know this final act
Is one we must all pass through!
And we have the Holy Spirit
That helps us to comprehend;
Life is a time of test and trial.
Death's a passing!--not an end!
We passed through pre-mortality!
Now we pass through this life, too!
Comes the time when this life's over,
It's death we'll be passing through.
Others have died; they've gone beyond,
And returned to bring us word,
That there is life beyond the grave!
Their testimonies we've heard.
Why do we doubt? What do we fear?
The unknown? But that's not so.
We have the Spirit to guide us;
Help us learn what we don't know.
What a joy will be our passing!
No more pain, nor fear, nor woe,
"Twill be a joyful reunion,
With those loved ones that we know.
Loyd D. Wilson
3 OCT 2006
When Death Comes
Why is it that we often wait;
We put it off; procrastinate;
Until death comes? Then it's too late
To tell a friend just how we feel.
We tell ourselves: "This I must do!"
And yet we fail to follow through,
Then find ourselves with quite a few
Who now must mourn, for death is real!
So now I take my pen in hand,
And I do hope you understand,
That what I write, though it's not grand,
Is meant to let you know: "I care!"
If I may state just what I mean:
"It is your friendship I esteem!"
Though unusual it may seem,
If you need help, I can be there.
What you have taught, and what you are,
Means more to me than wealth, by far.
To me--you're like a guiding star
To lead the way. I cherish you!
Perhaps I've failed to give you thanks,
Nor been the kind on whom one banks,
But count me in among the ranks
Of those who call you, "Friend." I Do!
OCTOBER 24, 2006
These poems were written by a new cousin we recently found
and has kindly given his permission for us to share with others.
Please sign my guestbook.
This page was created 9/17/2006
by June Wilson