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This page is dedicated to The Undertaker and my COTN family.

Dark Souls looks over where the earth meets sky of the C.O.T.N family
How the quiet nights in the mist of Darkness.
How next door that happiness lives next to sorrow,
Where darkness meets light in the crack of dawn
The sunset holds no barriers for true C.O.T.N
Signals of solution in the Darkness of this family.
A Family of heart for each other’s pains
A Family of the Blood of justice,
A Family of the Blackrose of Love
Which is Black on the outside, but true red inside
Because when you pierce the Blackrose it pours the deepest red
We realized the blood of the rose was the true love inside for all of us
A Family of a Raven that holds peace instead of a white dove
A Family untied by One Dark Man in his Darkness
We all need him and us,
Can’t live without life of the darkness
His darkness…….
How sleeping awake because of fear.
How children are drowning in their tears.
How we need a place where we can go,
A Family where every one will have a hero (Undertaker)
Where a family grows stronger in the middle of stormy weather,
Wont' stumble and won't fall.
I know a place where all this shelter. (Family HUG)
In our thoughts we have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
In a tree by the mystical brook, there's a Raven that sings,
Singing the blackness of pain, suffered by all in their depths of hell
Sometimes all of our pains are misgiving
But family arms shield us of from our depths of sorrow Why?…………there family of darkness, but
your C.O.T.N family
And we hurt, and bleed, and cry and scream,
rant against the world and renounce it,
but we know, somewhere deep down inside,
that some things, rare and precious few that they are, are worth living for. (C.O.T.N)
We will love again in a salty sea of innocent tears.
We will see the world as an uncut diamond, beautiful and promising.
And we will forgive ourselves, no matter how hard it is.
And soon, we will realize that the mere touch of a C.O.T.N hand can save us,
or at least, touch our very soul.
And we will learn to love ourselves again.
It will take time to heal, but what else do we have, but time?
But in that time the family is there for you
To always Love you for who you are!
There's a sign on the Gates of hell, but the family wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
The Lord of Darkness calling you to join him,
Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
Dear Soul, can you hear the wind blow of the dark side, and did you know
Where you find Hearts of Gold in the purest Darkness of all
Where death has brought a family united as One
Then the Undertaker will lead us to reason.
And a Night will dawn for those who stand long
The C.O.T.N are family.
They stand by the Lord of Darkness
They’re beloved Undertaker
They stand for each other in there darkest hour
Through thick and thin
No matter what
We shall never R.I.P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--Poem written by Demon Reaper UK


The CoTN (Creatures of The Night) are a group of individuals that were able to find a common bond, and from that bond we were able to form a family. This bond is for the honor we hold for the man from the darkside known as The Undertaker. Since his birth into our world back in 1990 he has gained many followers from different walks of life. With each of us coming from different worlds or different beliefs but yet we have become friends and better fans. United under the power of the phenom of darkness, The Undertaker.