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Welcome To The Home of Nail Ska'd Hands!!!

ATTENTION: This should have been posted a LONG time ago, but NSH has broken up. Andy is in the army, Pete is in the navy, Keith and John are off to college, and Jason is lost in suburbia. Its sad but true...they will be missed.

Nail Ska'd Hands is a Christian Ska Band from SC, that plays to glorify God. We would like to give thanks to Jesus Christ for allowing us time and talent to do his will. We got started off on a punk-ish, third wave-ish, wrong foot. But now we've got our sound worked into a solid 2-Tone groove. We are still continuing our labor to reach a '60's classic style, but it's slow work. And maybe we can't write as well as the Skatellites, or sing as well as Desmond Dekker, but we stomp the crud out of less than jake. GOD will help us get where we're headed, no matter how long it takes.

By the way, we Do NOT endorse moshing at our shows. In fact we most emphatically discourage that practice. People, this is Ska, it's dance music. Learn how to dance, or please stay out of the other dancers' way. Moshing is Rugby with no ball, and therefore serves no purpose except to be self-destructive and to show other people your lack of dancing talent. It's an all around bad thing. Roughness has a place in this world, like playing Rugby if you've got a ball, Oi!/Punk shows, etc. but it doesn't belong on the Dance Floor.

This picture is of the band a few..errr...months ago...THANK YOU JOSH FOR THIS PIC.


Woooeee, Just Havin' Fun...

Members, nicknames, instruments

  • Andy "Stalin" Carroll- Lead bass, vocals, and backing guitar every now and then
  • Jason "Dann-o" Walter- Drums
  • Keith "Prettyboy" Williams- Lead guitar, vocals, and backing bass every now and then
  • John "So Rude He Doesn't Need A Nickname" Adel - Trombone
  • Pete "The Grim Reaper" McLaughlin- Alto and bari Sax
  • Josh "Baloo" Weeks- Roadie, honorary member
  • Lizz "Kittie: The Reluctant Skin Girl" Cunningham- Web pages, honorary member

Our band has been reduced from a 7-piece to a 5-piece. Paul had to leave, cause God told him to, and Tom went to live with his father. We love 'em and miss 'em and we thank them for the time that they spent with us.

Also we would like to thank Josh Richey for the photos he did. So wherever it is you've disappeared to Josh, thank you.

Some Pretty Rad Stuff On This Page

In-depth info on the kick-fly members of this band...(updated)
motto's and verse's and value's we live by...(altered)
Some Friggin' Rad Links...(re-done)
Wanna see us in REAL life...(More new stuff)
Who USED to work on this page... (UPDATED)
Read Beautiful Lyrics (updated)
The Pages Of History (new)

Everything is continually upadted now, because Andy is at college and (since he hasn't got anyhting better to do) has time to work on it. So check back frequently.

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Email: kittie/band