Josh- "Smackdiggittydog!!"
What We Believe
We believe that GOD created all of us, and deserves nothing but the highest respect and honor from us all. We believe that everyone is born with a purpose and part of that purpose is to worship GOD. We believe Jesus is the Son of GOD who came to earth and lived a blameless life as a human, and died, for the sins of everyone, on a cross, and if you accept him as your savior you will live eternally with him in heaven. We believe it is everyone's choice to follow GOD, and that it is not our place to force our beliefs on others. We believe that men should treat women with respect, and not as objects or as lesser people but as equals. (By the way, we also believe that a man who hits a woman should have somebody twice his size hit him, but we'll be happy to hit him, too.) We believe that racism is seriously wrong, because GOD loves everyone, and so should you. We believe in satnding up without shame for what you belive in, and if neccessary fighting for it. We believe in Heaven and Hell, and that everyone will end up in one of the two places after they die. There are no exceptions, or second chances. We believe that Punk is o.k., reggae is good, and Ska is better. Swing and Rockabilly are good, too. We believe that we have covered everything that we believe in, and that the list is getting pretty long.
Andy believes in being a Skinhead, knowing your roots and history, doing a hard days work, and having a hard nights fun, staying loyal to your friends and your girl. He believes in holding to a standard and not letting it go, and that will power is a great muscle to excercise. He believes that somewhere out there, there is a boot stompin' Skin girl who is looking for a Skinhead like him, and that she'll love him because he has a big ugly car/tank and because he looks like he does in the morning.
Everybody else believes that Andy is deluded, and that nobody could love anybody that looks that rough in the morning. But the car is pretty cool.
Email: kittie/band