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Bitter Herb Bath

This is used when an individual is so badly bewitched that their life may be in danger. This bitter herb bath will remove very strong and powerful witchcraft.


pomegranate juice
goat's milk
kosher rock salt
holy water

1. pour the goat's milk into a large bowl
2. add the pomegranate juice into the goat's milk
3. add the holy water to the liquid mixture
4. add teh cascarilla to the liquid mixture
5. pour you bath water
6. stand up in your bath water
7. pour the entire mixture over your head

a sweet herb bath is used to bring positive envergy and porsperity. a sweet herb bath is used after a bitter herb bath.

Sweet Herb Bath


white roses
lavender water
holy water
white candle


1. cut up the petals from the rosed into small pieces.
2. cut up the menta into small fine peices
3. place the pieces of the cut rose petals & the menta into a large bowl
4. pour the lavender water over the herbal mixture
5. add the holy water to the mixture and pour into the bath water
6. light the white candle

remain in the bath water for 30 minutes. take this bath for 3 consecutive days.