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Magickal Bracelet:

1 skein purple embroidery floss
8 skeins embroidery floss of other colors
purple candle
vegetable oil

Take the floss to a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. Grasp the ends of all nine flosses in your hand, holding them together as one "strand." To determine the proper length, wrap the strand around your ankle three times and cut.

Tie the lengths together with a knot approximately two inches from the end. Divide the length into three sections of three strands each. While concentrating on magickal power growing within you, braid them together and chant:

"As I braid, my magic grows
I weave a spell to make it so.
Each cross of thread intensifies
The magic that within me lies."

Continue to braid and chant until you have a two-inch tail. Knot all nine strands together. Annoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in the mixture of sag, patchouli, and cinnamon. Lay the braided piece in front of the candle. Light the candle and say:

"Candle burn and add to the power
Of this charm with each passing hour."

Leave the charm until the candle burns completely. Wrap the braided strand around your ankle at least twice, (three times, if you're able) and tie it securely with a square knot. Wear the bracelet constantly. When you feel a new bracelet is necessary, repeat this ritual, the cut off the old one and bury it.