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Candle Magic Making Candlemaking is an ancient craft that is practiced by most witches who prefer working with their own homemade candles rather than store-bought ones. When one makes there own candles the energy they put into it would be more effective than to use store-bought. However you can use the stores candles, just make sure you prep them first :)

Candles From Molds

To make your own candles you will need: paraffin and pure beeswax (amount depending on how many you want to make) a double boiler wicking candle molds These items can be found easily at any craft store or candle shops.


Waxed milk cartons, muffin cups and metal tins, glass cups make perfect inexpensive candle molds :) Cut the candle wick to fit the size of mold, allowing one extra inch on top of the mold. You can use a long needle or nail at the top of mold to help hold the wick in place.

Cut the wax into small pieces and put them in double boiler, if u dont have one ( you can use strong plastic bags to melt the wax with in boiling water, always be there to watch the wax, in other words, Never leave it unattended) You can scent the wax with oils. just a small amount :) to add a certain color, add a crayon to make color,, if it is not dark enough add more crayon. It is best to buy your crayons from a dollar store :)

After wax is melted you can start to slowly pour it in mold, as the wax cools, a depression will form in middle by wick, add more wax to it, keep adding till you have it the way you want it.

When it is totally cooled, you can pull the candle from the mold.. and decorate if wanted to.

Dipped Candles.. I use a Big coffee can and I shape a coat hanger to help on the dipping.. Melt alot of wax in the coffee tin and then take the hanger and tie some wick to it. Make the wick long enough for however big you want your candle, remember you are going to take the wick and tie about 2 inches on the hanger and the remaining should be even and hanging down from the hanger to dip into wax. If you are using it for a ritual, you dont want it to be that big, I would suggest maybe a 3 to 4 inch dipped candle, with the width being about 1/2 an inch. They have holders for all sizes of candles :)

Dressing The Candles

Before using the candles for magick purposes, you need o annoint them. To do so, you need some oil and the candles your going to use.

Using your hands, rub the oil into the wax starting from the middle of the candle and working your way up to the top. Start again, this time at the middle of the candle and work your way down to the bottom to complete the anointing ritual.

It helps to put your psycic vibrations into the candle, magnetizing it and transforming it into an extension of your mind power.

You can use any type of oil that suits your purpose, But the wiccans have a special anointing oil which i will share with ya, choice is yours to use :) the main focus in oil,, is using your mind to make it the best :)

Wiccan Anointing Candle Oil

Items Needed:

1 cup rose petals
1 cup violets
1 cup water
1 cup olive oil
1 tbsp clove oil
2 tsp powered cinnamon
1 tbsp powered myrrh
1/4 cup wild fennel seeds

Gather the rose petals and violets at sunrise. Place them in a clean ceramic crock. Cover with water (fresh rain water, preferably) and let crock sit in a sunny location for three days until an oily film ( the essential oil of the flowers) is seen floating on top of the water.

Remove the oil from the water by carefully absorbing it into a small cotton ball. Squeeze out the oil into clean, long-necked glass bottle. Add the olive and clove oils, and gently swirl the bottle in a clockwise direction to slowly agitate the oils.

Next, add the cinnamon, myrrh and fennel seeds. Seal the bottle tightly and store it in the dark, cool place. After four weeks, strain the oil through a cheesecloth and use for candle anointing rituals.