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Centering and Grounding Exercise:

From "21st Century Wicca" by Jennifer Hunter:

This technique reestablishes your connection with the earth, both through movement of energy and also through the conscious decision to become mentally and emotionally aware of that connection.

First, relax. Now imagine that, like a tree, you have roots that you can push down into the ground,from wherever you are touching the floor or chair (from your feet,your back, or butt ). It doesn't matter if you are actually sitting on the ground, or on a floor, or in an airplane. With energy, physical location is irrelevant. This is where visualization becomes very important; to see a different level of reality. We are always connected to the earth on the most basic level, no matter where we are.

As you exhale, push your roots down. As you inhale, pull up energy from the earth. You might want to breathe a little deeper now, just to emphasize what you are doing. (Don't hyperventilate!!) Breathe from low in your body, from your belly. You can imagine your roots going through the floor, the concrete of the foundation of the building,the topsoil, the hard ground, the cool dark earth, the bedrock, and so forth. Or you can just skip all that and visualize the earth right under you. You are extending your own personal psychic energy down into Mother Earth, to reestablish your connection to her.

The exercise is over when you have extended your energy down as far as you feel you need to go to feel truly rooted, and when the energy you pull up from the earth is filling your whole body. Then there will be no separation between your personal energy and that of the earth below you. You will reach a state of balance, and you will be grounded and centered. You determine for yourself when you have reached that point.

The way you will feel afterward depends on the state you were in when you started. If you were unbalanced in any way beforehand, you will notice a swing in the other direction. IF you were tense at the beginning, now you will feel especially relaxed. IF you were tired,sleepy and in need of energy, then you'll feel invigorated. Whatever you need, the earth will restore it to you.

And now you are ready to do energy work.