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Communing Meditation:

This meditation is designed to help in communing with your Deity or the Ancestors. It can also aid in communing with your spirit guides. First off as always remember to do your deep breathing visualizing the white coming in with every breath and the black cloud leaving your body with each exhale and to sit straight or lie down on a hard surface to keep your spine straight. Relax your body starting at your feet and working your way up to your head, do not forget to pay special attention to the jaw area. Next clear your mind and focus on seeing and hearing those who you are trying to contact. If you have a mental picture already of what they look like then focus on it if not just clear your mind and see what image comes to the fore. Once you feel that you are in contact (this varies depending on the deity, ancestor or spirit guide you are trying to contact. It also varies on the person meditating and their relationship with the contact. You will know when you are in contact though) begin by asking the question and then sitting quietly and clearing your mind. The answer should form soon, if it does not do not worry it may come in another form or at another time. The factors of this vary as to the importance of the question and whether it is time for you to know it yet. If this is just a meditation to get to know this contact better and there are no specific questions, then sit quietly and just let the conversation flow easily. Build the image of this contact into your mind strongly and remember all that they say. If you have a hard time remembering, try taping the meditation and repeat the conversation out loud for reviewing later. Once completed thank them for their help and slowly bring yourself out of the trance by becoming aware of your body starting at your head and working your way down to your toes. It is not unusual after doing this meditation a lot for a specific contact if you being to feel them near you even after coming out of the trance.

Another variance of this meditation for those who have an easier time meditating while visualizing or for the advanced practitioner you can use the following method. After you have relaxed your body and feel the trance, visualize a forest, a meadow, a book-filled room or anything else that makes you comfortable. For a forest or meadow you can visualize yourself walking down a path until you encounter your contact, for a room of any kind you can visualize yourself walking into this room and seated in a comfy chair by the fire is your contact. Alternately you can also visualize yourself arriving before they do.