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Creativity Chants:

"Four winds that blow, one by one,
Are blessed and raised by Moon and Sun.
Flowing, blowing, swiftly bringing,
thoughts and voices, gently ringing.
Bring with you some inspiration,
And bless my mind with sweet sensation.

The Fire within, the warm sensation,
The Winds and Seas bring inspiration.
The Earth will help it materialize,
And bring creativity to my eyes."

These chants *can* be used in the situation below:

1) Light an orange or red candle and place it near you when you need some inspiration and creativity. Chant one or another chant and close your eyes. Imagine the light of the candle flame being absorbed into your mind and filling it with new ideas and awareness.

2) Prepare some lemonade and place it in a glass. With a spoon, stir three times in a clockwise motion while saying a creativity chant. Raise it to the Sun and ask for inspiration from Apollo, or ask the Muses for creativity.

The rest is pretty much up to you. Whatever you can add or revise adds your personal power to the spell. Enjoy and may the light of the Sun guide your way.