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To Make a Dream:

If you wish to unite with a person you have been dreaming about, try this charm:


Parchment or constuction paper
Fountain pen or quill
Yellow candles
3 tsp. Peppermint, Roses, and Lavendar
7 sunflower seeds
Small Pouch (or make a dream pillow)

On a piece of parchment or yellow construction paper, write this charm in black ink:

"By mint and rose,
By Flame and star
I draw you here from near and far
In our dreams, we often meet,
But now this spell, shall move our feet.
I call thee here, I draw thee here,
I bring thee here, from far and near.
If this your will than come to me,
And through our dreams, together be."

Next, fill the pouch with the roses, peppermint, lavendar, and sunflower seeds. Fold the parchment three times and place it in the pouch as well.

With this, the spell is finished.

Before going to bed, place the charm below or beside your pillow, smelling it upon going to bed and waking up. Through your dreams, you'll draw him to you, if his will is to unite with you as well.