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Basic Energy Directing:

You will notice that in magick and other mental exercise you are often called upon to raise energy, and then aim and release it at your magickal target. There are many ways to do this, and you undoubtedly develop your own, but here is a basic exercise for you to practice on and get the hang of it.

This exercise is not an act of magick with an intended target in itself, just an exercise for practicing directing energy.

Ground and center, you may do this as part of your regular meditation or not. If you are not used to meditation, simply try to quiet your mind before beginning. Sit or lie comfortably.

Imagine yourself walking down a beach. The surf of the surging upon the shore. As you walk down the beach, relaxed and open. Pick up a stone, rounded and polished by the sea. It is about the size of a walnut. Feel it, smooth and solid in your hand.

Gaze out into the sea. imagine how far away the horizon is. See rank upon rank of waves approaching until the fade from view. Take your rock and hurl it with all your energy at the horizon. Did you feel the psychic energy launch as you did this? People experience this in a variety of ways. Personally, I feel tingling and electric, and there is a satisfying "gut" feeling when the energy is well focused. If you don't think you "got it", repeat this exercise as many times as needed. Walking down the beach a little farther, selecting another stone and flinging it toward the horizon until you can feel your will and energy fly forth with your effort. If you get tired, re-ground and center and try again tomorrow.

Once you feel this, continue your walk down the beach. Select another stone, this one twice the size of your first stone. Look out at the horizon, try to cast this stone twice as far as you did the first one. Keep doing this until you feel you are done, doubling the size and distance of your mental launches each time. It is wise to ground and center again upon completion of the exercise.

Copyright ) 1997, Zephyr Lioness