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Utilizing the Force:

Face North.

Standing still, feet slightly apart, arms down at your sides but not touching your body.

1. Take a deep breath. As you are breathing in, say to yourself, "I bring the cosmic forces into my body,"

2. Here, hold your breath, then continue, "Asking for strength, protection, and guidance." Exhale.

3. Repeat this sequence (1 and 2) two more times (total of three times).

4. Make your request three times, using the same verbiage each time.

5. Then say, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you," as you cross your right arm over your chest, palm open, place right hand on left arm, then left arm over, palm open, to put left hand on right arm/shoulder (this will make an X across your chest).

6. Now forget it and sit down.

7. Stay tuned to listen for the answer (which might take a few days) then act on the information you receive.