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(from Love Magic)

Cast a nine-foot-diameter circle and strew nosegays, flowers, and ribbons around the circumference. The immediate family and other Witches and close friends stand just inside the circle to form an inner ring around the altar draped in pink, white, and black cloth. Frankincense and myrrh or other love incenses are kept burning during the entire ritual. Two chalices filled with wine or spring water stand between one white and one black candle. Next to the chalices are two wedding rings.

The bride and groom are led into the circle from the north. Once inside, the High Priestess casts the circle with her wand, and the bride and groom greet the powers of the four directions as they walk around the circle. Next the priestess sweeps the circle with a Witch's broom, brushing away all harmful events in the couples past lives. The lovers kneel facing each other; the priestess charges the rings and chalices. Next the couple casts their verbal spell to seal their commitment to each other while looking into each other's eyes. The spell states in their own words their love for each other and the goals the two share for this union.

Each lover picks up the other's wedding ring and drops it into the opposite chalice. Then each picks up the chalice containing his or her ring, and they cross forearms so the priestess can bind them loosely with the black silk cord draped in a figure eight. Next they take a sip from the other's chalice. The rest is poured into a bowl, the rings removed and placed on the hands of the bride and groom. The priestess then removes the silk cord, holds it over the heads of the couple, and pulls the loosely bound knot tight as she says, "I tie the knot." Next she gives one end of the cord to each lover for them to hold between them as a symbol of their handfasting. The high priestess places a hand on each one's head and announces to them and the witnesses, "You are bound in the sight of the Goddess and God as husband and wife. So mote it be."

Then the priestess charges all the wedding gifts and magical presents placed under the altar before the ritual began. The circle is opened. The merriment begins.