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Honey Binding Spell:

~ Honey Binding To Bring Kindness ~


Small, clean, jar such as a baby food jar. Honey, Enough to fill the small jar. Paper, A small strip that will fit in the jar. Pen, To write the person(s) name on small strip of paper. Candle, To drip on jar lid for sealing.

All products connected with bees have magical powers (bees-wax, honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis). It is believed that any bee product can hold and deliver a magical message or prayer.

Best to do this on a full moon but can be done during the waxing. Write the name of the person or just men/women, people in general on the strip of paper. Place the paper inside the small jar. Now fill the jar with the honey. While you do this concentrate on your intent. Visualize the person or persons being kind to you the way you would like them to be. Now close the jar with the lid and seal it with wax. Place the jar on your altar or somewhere where it will be untouched. Every month re-charge the jar by placing it in the sun for a day. You'll want to bury the jar and refresh the spell with a new jar about every 6 months or so.