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Candel Magic:

Steps of Candle Magick:

You must define your goal(s) and how to obtain them. Keep the 3-fold law in your head at all times and remember: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Let your goals turn into desires. You may want to put them in a journal. Explain them thoroughly and then ask yourself:

Is this what I Really want?

From what I've read, candle magick is mainly used to help other people. All the magicians who practice candle magick, that I know, will not do any negative spells no matter what. Now think about the results:

Will it have the results you visualized? What if it comes and it makes you unhappy? What are the affects on others?


State of mind is of utmost importance. Now you must take great care in drawing energies upon yourself, which will be released by your concentration as a thought form when you light your candle. You will need to know how to harness, work within and then release the tremendous amount of energy you will be dealing with. You should also learn all you can of these and the one or many elements you will be working with. Fire is one, if not the, most strongest and potent forms of the elements. Thought forms are powerful at this time and you must learn how to control them, otherwise things can literally go backward on you or just go plain wacko!

Choosing Your Candle:

Once you have clarified your desires and prepared yourself you are now ready to choose your candle. There are many colors, scents, herbs, elements, directions and day associations that we align when choosing your candle. And to confuse you more, there are many shapes and types of candles you can use.

For more info on this, visit EnchanteD EncounterS. The information for this page was also taken from there.

Three Things to Keep in Mind:

There are three things to keep in mind when dealing with Candle Magick.

Remember, do not use matches. The sulfur is a banishment tool and will render the candles magick effects lessened or useless. Use a lighting stick, an incense match or a lighter to light the wick. Also, do not blow the candle out. This is taken as an affront. Use a snuffer or wet your fingers and pinch it out, anything but blow it out. Also, Please use caution and think safety first when dealing with fire, do not use sprays around the flames, be sure the candle is on a nonflammable base, keep away from low hanging cloth or any cloth or flammable items away for that matter and most of all, keep children away.!

Creating Candle Magick:

I've said this a hundred times over: The only spell that will truely work is one that you have written yourself! Only then is the magick from your soul put into the spell. Keep moon phases, colours, days, and other key elements in mind when you want to conduct this spell. If everything lines up straight, the spell will be stronger.