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Mustard Bath:

In England mustard baths are very popular. They're said to relieve stress, muscle soreness, and sleeplessness caused by anxiety. Mustard is known for its stimulating and cleansing qualities. The warmth of the mustard helps open the pores of your skin, allowing you to sweat out impurities. The scents of peppermint, rosemary, and eucalyptus are all very exciting to the senses. This recipe can be used as a footbath or full body bath. Package this path powder in an old mustard jar tied up with a checked ribbon and give to an Anglophile friend.


1/2 Cup baking soda
2 tablespoons powdered mustard
2 drops essential oil of peppermint
(you can also use wintergreen)
2 drops essential oil of rosemary
2 drops essential oil of eucalyptus

Mix together all ingredients in a glass bowl, stirring until the essential oils are distributed into the powder. To use; Add 1/4 Cup to the bath under running water. Relax in the bathtub for 15-20 minutes. After your bath, rinse with a cool shower and pat your skin dry. Dress warmly until your pores are fully closed. For footbath, add 1 tablespoon of the bath powder to a basin of hot water and then soak you feet for 15 minutes.