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To Find Your Craft Name:

You are in your special room. You are now ready to take a jorney and learn your craft name.

Walk to the door to the other world. Open the door.

You see a mossy stone pathway leading down a little sloping hill.

There are trees all around you. The moon is full and you can hear ocean waves crashing around the beach.

You follow the path down the hill and walk upon the sand. Waves flow in and out, calming and soothing you on your journey. You look around and see a bird flying in the night sky. The moon looks beautiful in all her glory.

You have now walked a short distance and have reached a cave entrance. There is a vine like trellis covering the entrance.

You move the vine aside and enter the cave. There is a torch lit for you to use. You can feel the sand as you begin your journey in to the cave.

You have no fear in this cave, because you've been here before. Your heart knows the path.

The cave twist and turns. You've reached the center of the cave. There are two ways to go. You know which way you have to go. You've been here before.

Just around this next curve, you see a woman standing at the door. As you approach, she smiles at you. She knows your name and opens the door. As you enter the room, the woman takes the torch from your hands.

You look around the room. It's a large round room of marble with a round moon shaped glass in the center of the ceiling. Moon light streams through the glass. You see a large round pool. There are 3 other women there now. One woman is standing by the pool.

You know this woman, it's the Goddess. She motions for you to come forward. Your feet glide across the distance that separates you.

You walk up the three step with ease and grace. The 3 women surround you and remove all your clothes. You and the Goddess step in to the water. The water is warm and feels good.

The Goddess tells you that you are about to receive your craft name. She also tells you that it can take up to 3 days to receive your name, but when the name arrives, you will know it. She will send you signs so you will know it's from her.

She places her hand upon your head and gently pushes you down in the water. She hold you underwater for three counts and then lifts you up.

Gently she cups her hand around your face and whispers "Blessed by my child, you are one of the chosen. You are welcome here when ever you need me". As you leave the water, the 3 women help to dress you.

You walk back towards the door. The 3 women tell you farewell and merry part.
The woman who greeted you at the door when you entered hands you the torch back. She opens the door, smiles at you and says: "You already know the way out, feel free to return when you need too".

You leave the room. As you walk back the way that you came, the journey seem shorter, your step is lighter.

You reach the vine entrance and move the vine out of your way. You walk back across the beach and up the little hill.

Before you go in to your room, you look at the moon one more time. You can still feel the touch of the Goddess on your head. It's a warm fuzzy feeling.

You enter your rooom. From here you can either wake up or you can go to sleep.