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Nurturing the Seeds of Love:

A spell from Eastern Europe to ensure your partner's fidelity

You will need:

Some soil
A small terracotta pot
A handful of marigold seeds

First you must secretly dig some earth from your lover's or partner's footprints. It need not be enough to fill the pot completely. But a portion of the soil must come from this source. On a full or waxing moon, when the lunar power is at its height, in late spring or summer, sow your seeds in the pot. As you sow them, hum or sing gently, thinking loving thoughts about your partner. Place your pot by a sunny window, and water and nurture with care. These are special plants are should not be picked, or the strength of the spell will be sapped.

In the fall, gather the seeds together and save them to plant the following year in the same way. If you have a garden, choose a special patch for these seeds of love. Marigolds will self-seed for many years to come, symbolizing constancy and endurance a well as beautifying your garden.